McCain is fully a Bush man

"People pay more attention to american Idle than to the war.
Ask them the general incharge of Iraq's name. Ask them who the panelists on American Idle are...."

If he wins the Oscars... who cares. Will people remember? yes. Will they care that a very liberal hollywood gave a liberal candidate an award when making their decision for President? I seriously doubt it.
Gore was WAY ahead of everyone else, on the most important issues of the last twenty years.

He was WAY ahead of anyone else in the public sector on the internet. Even Robert Kahn, father of the internet, says this.

He was WAY ahead of anyone else on climate change. That's been his signature issue since the 1980s, when Cons were laughing at the prospect that global warming was even happening.

He was the FIRST prominent politician to warn against invading iraq. And he was WAY ahead of everyone else, warning that is was turning into a disaster.

that's leadership and great judgement, my friend. Hillary can go to hell. ;)
"People pay more attention to american Idle than to the war.
Ask them the general incharge of Iraq's name. Ask them who the panelists on American Idle are...."

If he wins the Oscars... who cares. Will people remember? yes. Will they care that a very liberal hollywood gave a liberal candidate an award when making their decision for President? I seriously doubt it.

Worked for Regan :D
And he had no awards...
But he did have a chimp for a sidekick, how ironic.
1) the internet will not play any role in the next election

2) Gore goes on and on about protecting the environment.... except for his families property.... THERE it is ok to rape the earth for the minerals that will be processed by means that add to polution.

3) Iraq is the number one issue NOW. Will it be in two years? I don't think so.

4) Hillary can indeed go to hell for all I care. I cannot stand her. But she will kick Gore's ass should he jump into the fray.
3) Iraq is the number one issue NOW. Will it be in two years? I don't think so.
And what makes you believe it will not still be an issue ?
"And what makes you believe it will not still be an issue ?"

I did not say it won't be an issue. I said it would not be the top issue. Two years of a Dem led Congress will give ample ammunition to the Reps to try to divert the topic of conversation elsewhere. That and I believe we will pull out troops starting at the end of this year with minimal forces in Iraq by the election.
Cypress, I agree. If the election were held next month, Iraq would be the primary issue as it was last November. The Rep candidate would get smoked, regardless of who the Rep was. But the election is NOT in two months. It is almost two years away.

Two years of a Dem led Congress. Two years of non-stop Hillary speaking engagements. The Clinton machine is rolling and the polls show that she would destroy Gore. Gore has no chance of getting the Dem nod. Hillary is the candidate.... deal with it. :)

Np from here, I will vote for any demo candidate just to keep the cons out this time. McCain would just be an extension of the Bush regeim.
And as I told Damo, I am not pro demo, just anti bush and neo types.
"People pay more attention to american Idle than to the war.
Ask them the general incharge of Iraq's name. Ask them who the panelists on American Idle are...."

If he wins the Oscars... who cares. Will people remember? yes. Will they care that a very liberal hollywood gave a liberal candidate an award when making their decision for President? I seriously doubt it.

You forget how billy boy played the entrertainment media for nice gains.
Heck he even practiced Safe Sax on TV.
"You forget how billy boy played the entrertainment media for nice gains."

Gore is nowhere near Bill Clintons capabilities.... and seeing a bunch of ultra-rich hollywood spoiled brats handing an award to Al Bore is not going to alter votes.
"But you voted for Bush....twice. So your judgment on who makes a good, competent leader is questionable at best "

Because the Dems keep refusing to put up their best candidates. Put up Clark or Lieberman and I vote for them in a heart beat over any Rep candidate. But no.... we are stuck with Hitlery or the cat.
If you think the majority of this country gives a shit about the friggin Oscars then you are smoking crack. As for the Nobel Prize... Arafat won one.... that should tell you how ridiculous that award process is.

He is a hypocrit on the environment and that will most certainly be used against him. He stance on Iraq is ONE issue. Today it is much bigger than I believe it will be during the next election.

The Clinton machine is up and running and they will mow him and all others down on the way to the Dem nomination.

Do I believe a majority of people give a shit about the Oscars? Not really..but it does add prestige...and so does the Nobel...regardless of what you think. I dont agree with Cypress on much... but everything he laid out in this thread Im in total agreement.
Go ahead and stick to the spin about Gore...cuz thats all it is...
The Man has always been in the center.. liberal on somethings ..conservative on others... his Congressional Voting Record speaks volumes...too bad you choose to ignore this fact.
The Man is hardly a one issue Candidate... all one needs is to examine his History ... the proof is there....
He has been on the cutting edge of technology, served on the Armed Services Committee, Science and Technology Committee, Joint Economic Committee. And lest we forget .. in the 80's Gore introduced a bill that was later passed in 1991 ... The High Performance Computing and Communication Act of 1991... a little tidbit that helped spur what we enjoy today.
And as far as his family what... you gunna blame him for his Father growing tobacco? Investing in Occidental Petroleum?

The dude is more qualified to be President than any candidate out there... aside from maybe Chuck Hagel...
Why is it up to the Dems to rescue you from the disaster of bush?

What happened to personal responsibility.

There was a GOP primary and nomination in 2004. I didn't here one single republican make a peep, about supporting a primary challenger to Bush. A conservative more to your liking. I heard nothing but dead silence.

I take it from the total dead silence that all republicans approved of bush's performance and leadership.

Do I believe a majority of people give a shit about the Oscars? Not really..but it does add prestige...and so does the Nobel...regardless of what you think. I dont agree with Cypress on much... but everything he laid out in this thread Im in total agreement.
Go ahead and stick to the spin about Gore...cuz thats all it is...
The Man has always been in the center.. liberal on somethings ..conservative on others... his Congressional Voting Record speaks volumes...too bad you choose to ignore this fact.
The Man is hardly a one issue Candidate... all one needs is to examine his History ... the proof is there....
He has been on the cutting edge of technology, served on the Armed Services Committee, Science and Technology Committee, Joint Economic Committee. And lest we forget .. in the 80's Gore introduced a bill that was later passed in 1991 ... The High Performance Computing and Communication Act of 1991... a little tidbit that helped spur what we enjoy today.
And as far as his family what... you gunna blame him for his Father growing tobacco? Investing in Occidental Petroleum?

The dude is more qualified to be President than any candidate out there... aside from maybe Chuck Hagel...

Good point I look for both Hagel and the boy from NYC to beat out McCain in the primaries.