McCain is tanking!

I just read this whole article and was looking to see if anyone posted it. I'm not surprised to see it on one hand, but I am relieved. I know that pundits have some sort of homoerotic thing for McCain, but I'm relieved to see that the average Independent has seen him for what he is.
this is really meaningless; if you go by these kind of early stories, then you'll think hitlary is tanking too and that braaack hussein osama actually has a chance to be president!
If repubs were smart, they'd nominate Chuck Hagel, who is at least nominally anti-war, credible, and smart.

Anyone who's been a bush robot and iraq war cheerleader for the last four years, is going to be tainted.

But, supporting Hagel would require the most massive flip-flop in modern history for republican voters, who cheered bush into this war.

Dems are gonna have a problem with Hillary too, who has been entirely too mealy-mouthed on the war.
Maybe Im giving him too much credit but he was really an admirable guy for a long time.

There were times I would have voted for him if they ran him.
Personally, I kind of feel like I'm in a movie. You know those scenes where there's some poor schmuck out on a ledge 20 stories up and the idiot crowd starts chanting for him to jump?

[Starts chanting] Tank! Tank! Tank! Tank! . . . .
McCain is not about to die.

Its about our country more than it is about his career
LOL! Oh, I know. I was laughing at my own reaction, I suppose. If he really were in danger of dying I'd like to think I wouldn't be so flippant about it. I am, however, seriously annoyed with McCain for sticking with this stupid war in Iraq.

[Still chanting] Tank! Tank! Tank! Tank! Tank! . . . .
LOL! Oh, I know. I was laughing at my own reaction, I suppose. If he really were in danger of dying I'd like to think I wouldn't be so flippant about it. I am, however, seriously annoyed with McCain for sticking with this stupid war in Iraq.

[Still chanting] Tank! Tank! Tank! Tank! Tank! . . . .

Don't sweat it. The only issue in '08 will be the war, and thus Hillary, McCain and any other folk who were sympathetic to W's bloodbath in any way whatsoever at any time, can forget about the WhiteHouse. Its amazing how little foresight these ivory tower fucknuts have.
It will be a battle of the anti-war types...

Obama, Edwards... Who else is there?
I watched Hillary on a PBS interview last night. I was impressed, I discovered that she says much more than the cons seem to think she does ;)
THe Conservatives may have shot themselves in the foot by doing such a good hatchet job on Senator Clinton over the past few years.

People are expecting the devil incarnate when she comes out nationally and when she is not, people will be plesantly suprised.

Its often an expectations game anyway...