McCain is tanking!

She is not my favorite but I cant think of any R I would vote for over her.

I can't think of any Republican that has been mentioned as a likely presidential candidate (ie. McCain, Guliani, etc.) that I think would be any better than her.
So far Edwards has my vote, then Senator Clinton, then I dont know. Thats not to say that if Obama defines himself a bit more he may get into my ranking but I dont know much about him yet.

If Gulianini admits to being a social liberal I would consider him as well.
I perfer Barrack to hil.

Hilary is less electable
Good Lord! Obama hasn't even introduced a single bill in the Senate, a body he has been a member of for less than 30days. Why is he so Presidential?
Good Lord! Obama hasn't even introduced a single bill in the Senate, a body he has been a member of for less than 30days. Why is he so Presidential?

He's got more experience in government than Ronald Reagan had.

Seven years as a State Senator and three years as a U.S. Senator.
He's got more experience in government than Ronald Reagan had.

Seven years as a State Senator and three years as a U.S. Senator.
Ok, I got the election cycle wrong. Two years as a U.S. Senator. In terms of the Federal Gov, yes; in terms of being the head of an executive branch, no.
Good Lord! Obama hasn't even introduced a single bill in the Senate, a body he has been a member of for less than 30days. Why is he so Presidential?
I have been wondering this as well. but then why was Bush presidential material for that matter ? Oops it turns out he was not :D
I have been wondering this as well. but then why was Bush presidential material for that matter ? Oops it turns out he was not :D
Thus the "seeming Presidential" is not a good indicator that Obama would be a good president. What other qualities does he display?
Thus the "seeming Presidential" is not a good indicator that Obama would be a good president. What other qualities does he display?

The "experience" factor is over rated. Many of our greatest presidents didn't have much experience in government.

As I suspect you know, american's choose our president largely on personality. Its not much different than a high school student president race in that respect.

I would say these are the criteria, americans elect presidents on:

-Personality and charisma
-Intelligence (we rarely want to elect true morons)
-Reasonable familiarity with public policy issues (I've never heard Obama get stumped on a policy question. He's always got a pretty smooth answer.)

I think "experience" is way down on the list of what americans vote on.
The "experience" factor is over rated. Many of our greatest presidents didn't have much experience in government.

As I suspect you know, american's choose our president largely on personality. Its not much different than a high school student president race in that respect.

I would say these are the criteria, americans elect presidents on:

-Personality and charisma
-Intelligence (we rarely want to elect true morons)
-Reasonable familiarity with public policy issues (I've never heard Obama get stumped on a policy question. He's always got a pretty smooth answer.)

I think "experience" is way down on the list of what americans vote on.

I guess experience is the lowest item, because we don't even get to see a resume.