No I'm not pretending anything SF. We live in a country that has been taken over and is now run by corporations. Everything is being geared towards the corporations and the super-rich. I grew up in a pretty affluent neighborhood and no one i know from childhood, is doing as good as our parents did. That's the opposite of the American dream and it didn't happen by accident.
The truth is, class warfare has been waged since the reagan revolution. They've been winning. I think Obama is just another corporate candidate and it's why i support Edwards. But...I am around a lot of racists, and due to recent personal experiences with them, I've realized I can't not vote for the first black President. I get the magic of it. I understnad what it means, but also, what it does not mean. I'll vote for him, but I also don't believe that economically, he means that big of a change. Though of course, he's going to be better than the bushies. I mean he wouldn't veto the Schip bill, but guess what? Neither would Hillary.
It's Edwards who could have been our most progressive president since FDR. Of course, he coudl be full of shit and Obama could end up being far more progressive than he has let on in the general, you know? I keep my fingers crossed, you never really know. Look at what compassionate conservatism meant, after all. How many people knew it was code for getting it in the butt?