McCain: "The surge is working!"

LOL - I've heard its safer than Philadelphia or Detroit.

Will you join me for an exotic vacation in Iraq?

Sure...I can see me now, in my camoflauge bathing suit and my matching combat boots. You know, that's not necessarily an unhot look. You'd have your hip-shooter and handcuffs of course. Could be fun.
Sure...I can see me now, in my camoflauge bathing suit and my matching combat boots. You know, that's not necessarily an unhot look. You'd have your hip-shooter and handcuffs of course. Could be fun.

Camoflage bikinis are very alluring.

The recreational opportunities there are unparalled. Who wants to lay around a pool, on a cabana or a vacation? I've always wanted to try my hand at IED-bomb dodging. Dixie says it was quite the thrill.
Camoflage bikinis are very alluring.

The recreational opportunities there are unparalled. Who wants to lay around a pool, on a cabana or a vacation? I've always wanted to try my hand at IED-bomb dodging. Dixie says it was quite the thrill.

hahhaha. Yeah, that's right. I forgot.
Current lack of news reports of tons of people dying might get people to think otherwise.

I wait to see. It may even work. I thought it would take far more troops than that to actually create security for the people we became responsible toward after invasion. But it seems more successful than I thought it would be.
I think you're seeing differences in reporting, not in numbers. If I read this correctly the rate of violence overall has not decreased, it's simply shifted out of Baghdad proper.
I for one definitely hope that it is successful. I also don't doubt that either side will play the numbers (dead, not dead, # of attacks, # of attacks decreased, etc.) politically in their favor.
I for one definitely hope that it is successful. I also don't doubt that either side will play the numbers (dead, not dead, # of attacks, # of attacks decreased, etc.) politically in their favor.

LR: I don't think telling the truth, is being "political".

I've been right on nearly everything, before this war even started. I predicted what would happen. Not because I'm a brilliant guy, but because I inform myself with credible middle easter experts.

I was laughed at by bush fans in 2003 when I said an insurgency was brewing. they said I was being "political": it was just a "handful of deadenders." I turned out to be right.

I said killing Saddan, Uday, and Qusay wouldn't make any difference in the violence. I was told I was not only being foolish, but that I was being political. I turned out to be right.

I said Iraq was spiraling into a civil war. I was laughed at, and told I was being political. I turned out to be right.

Telling the truth isn't "political". Now, if there are policial consequences for reepubilcans being wrong on this war, and on everything they said, that is the natural state of a democracy. People can and should be held accountable for failure, and for being wrong almost all the time.
I think you're seeing differences in reporting, not in numbers. If I read this correctly the rate of violence overall has not decreased, it's simply shifted out of Baghdad proper.
Not according to reports that I have read. The violence has decreased considerably since the beginning of the Baghdad campaign.
And I'm not talking about folks like you, Cypress. I have no doubt you try to speak the truth as far as you know it. I am talking about the talking heads on TV for either side. I believe the Democratic side tries to make it seem worse than it is over there and I believe the Republican side tries to make it seem better than it is. Base on my nephews' reports I really have no doubt that this goes on......from both sides of the aisle. As I said, I really hope the surge will work and I don't care who gets the credit if it does. I want our kids out of there as soon as possible and let the Iraqi's deal with what goes on in their country.
LOL - I've heard its safer than Philadelphia or Detroit.

Philly is oh so scary in the news but when I go there I feel fine. It ain't that bad.
Not according to reports that I have read. The violence has decreased considerably since the beginning of the Baghdad campaign.
I think you may be reading too many U.S. news sources. ;)
There has been a sharp upsurge in violence in recent days outside Baghdad, epicentre of the communal bloodshed, where thousands of U.S. and Iraqi security forces are focussing their efforts to halt a slide to full-scale civil war.
It says "outside Baghdad" not overall. Reports I have read show that such death is less than before overall.

That they must move outside Baghdad and the current surge is inside Baghdad is another sign that it may be actually working.
It says "outside Baghdad" not overall. Reports I have read show that such death is less than before overall.

That they must move outside Baghdad and the current surge is inside Baghdad is another sign that it may be actually working.
That depends on what you mean by "working." I never doubted they could temporarily reduce violence in Baghdad. What I question is the utility of any such reduction. If violence overall isn't reduced then nothing is really accomplished.

The only way a security crackdown could be effective, I think, is if it were applied to the entire country at once. Even then, I have my doubts.
That depends on what you mean by "working." I never doubted they could temporarily reduce violence in Baghdad. What I question is the utility of any such reduction. If violence overall isn't reduced then nothing is really accomplished.

The only way a security crackdown could be effective, I think, is if it were applied to the entire country at once. Even then, I have my doubts.
Which was why I have my own doubts about it. Because we didn't take security seriously from the beginning we have made it far more difficult.

As I said, it may be working. I didn't say it was for sure. I know that those guys aren't coming back anytime in six months. I can watch and see. Patreas seems to be an on the ball General with a good understanding of fighting just this sort of battle.