McCain: There Will be Other Wars


Just in case anyone who is going to vote for McCain if he is the nominee, tries to BS you that they're against the Iraqi war, and/or, against any further wars, ie; Iran..remember this. They were warned. They know who and what John McCain is. He is a war monger, and he will kill.

He will kill. And he's letting you know that right up front. John McCain, given the opportunity, is going to kill.

The presidential candidate who sang "Bomb bomb Iran" is already looking towards the war after the war in Iraq.

Sen. John McCain told a crowd of supporters on Sunday, "It's a tough war we're in. It's not going to be over right away. There's going to be other wars." Offering more of his increasingly bleak "straight talk," he repeated the claim: "I'm sorry to tell you, there's going to be other wars. We will never surrender but there will be other wars."

McCain did not elaborate who the United States would be fighting. But he did warn the crowd to be ready for the ramifications of current and future battles.

"And right now - we're gonna have a lot of PTSD [post traumatic stress disorder] to treat, my friends," he said. "We're gonna have a lot of combat wounds that have to do with these terrible explosive IEDs that inflict such severe wounds. And my friends, it's gonna be tough, we're gonna have a lot to do."

Watch the video:
Is there evidence that he meant in the next year or that he was referring to the fact that peace does not last forever?
come on desh. this is a stretch.. drawing the same conclusions out of say what hillary alluded to in the NH debate how she would invade Pakistan.
come on desh. this is a stretch.. drawing the same conclusions out of say what hillary alluded to in the NH debate how she would invade Pakistan.
That was Obama... Oh wait.. all of them seemed to say it. Except those that are not in the running. Interesting.
i think its naive to think any president that gets elected wont have blood on there hands at one point during it. we live in a different world right now.

More likely then not al quida / Iran / NK / or any of our enemies are waiting for bush to be out of office to make a move.

The real question is how will the following react if we were attacked with say a dirty bomb:

1) Hillary
2) Obama
3) McCain
4) Romney
Buchanan disagrees. He said this morning that McCain was giving everyone straight talk. He is going to further this war on terra. That he is going to go to war with Iran. The point on Morning Joe was that McCain doesn't have the chops to discuss anything BUT the war on terra.
That was Obama... Oh wait.. all of them seemed to say it. Except those that are not in the running. Interesting.

It is also interesting that all would merely permit the military to do what it currently is permitted to do, follow militants into Pakistan from Afghanistan without prior approval from Pakistan. It's not a divergence from current practice at all and is largely unremarkable.
It is also interesting that all would merely permit the military to do what it currently is permitted to do, follow militants into Pakistan from Afghanistan without prior approval from Pakistan. It's not a divergence from current practice at all and is largely unremarkable.
It is interesting how they present it as spectacular change though. So much so that people note it on here as if it were not happening already. Of course they don't disabuse them of such an incorrect notion... They want to seem "strong on terror" in a way they pretend the current admin isn't.

And, of course, you ignore that Obama said we'd go in force without regard to the Pakistani government's permission.
come on desh. this is a stretch.. drawing the same conclusions out of say what hillary alluded to in the NH debate how she would invade Pakistan.

1) that was Darla that posted this thread, not desh.

2) the left know McCain is the only Rep with a shot at winning right now. So of course they are going to be overly dramatic and twist everything the man says. Similar to his "1000 years" comment, they spin his honesty into doom and gloom.

We are going to be in this for a while and the odds of this going into another country (like Iran or Pakistan) are high, no matter who the next President is or what party she/he comes from.
It is interesting how they present it as spectacular change though. So much so that people note it on here as if it were not happening already. Of course they don't disabuse them of such an incorrect notion... They want to seem "strong on terror" in a way they pretend the current admin isn't.

And, of course, you ignore that Obama said we'd go in force without regard to the Pakistani government's permission.

What the fuck are you talking about? They were asked a question and responded to it. It was the idiot Republicans like Mitt Romney that acted as if it was a huge change in US policy when in fact it wasn't. Joe Biden nailed it:

"Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts," Biden said. "It's already the policy of the United States -- has been for four years -- that there's actionable intelligence, we would go into Pakistan."

I'd add that you seem to be one of the uninformed that think what Obama said was a change in US policy. It wasn't.
1) that was Darla that posted this thread, not desh.

2) the left know McCain is the only Rep with a shot at winning right now. So of course they are going to be overly dramatic and twist everything the man says. Similar to his "1000 years" comment, they spin his honesty into doom and gloom.

We are going to be in this for a while and the odds of this going into another country (like Iran or Pakistan) are high, no matter who the next President is or what party she/he comes from.

Look, there’s no spin in this.
The guy is a warmonger, and he’s telling you, he’ll do it again. I don’t understand how anyone can say this is spin.
I guess it comes from living in denial. I have to live in the reality based community SF.
What the fuck are you talking about? They were asked a question and responded to it. It was the idiot Republicans like Mitt Romney that acted as if it was a huge change in US policy when in fact it wasn't. Joe Biden nailed it:

I'd add that you seem to be one of the uninformed that think what Obama said was a change in US policy. It wasn't.
And again, my point isn't that it already is policy, my point is that it has been presented as bad policy, yet is supported when presented by specific people and allowed to "fester" as "new" in their little heads.

Then when it is presented as "new" policy by others nobody seems to want to disabuse them of that notion but you... That's that "right wing media" at work, eh?
And again, my point isn't that it already is policy, my point is that it has been presented as bad policy, yet is supported when presented by specific people and allowed to "fester" as "new" in their little heads.

Then when it is presented as "new" policy by others nobody seems to want to disabuse them of that notion but you... That's that "right wing media" at work, eh?

I still have no fucking idea what you are talking about. It was never presented as novel or new. It was presented in response to a debate question. When Obama, followed by Edwards followed by Richardson, followed by Clinton (who hedged by saying that she would let the Pakistani government know when missiles were on the way), responded that they would pursue Al Qaeda into Pakistan, they weren't presenting it as a novel idea.

Again, it was the Republicans idiots, including Mitt Romney, that seemed to think it was remarkable, not the Democrats.
somebody explain to me how "more wars" is going to solve the "war on terra".

Terrorism is a tactic, that is going to be defeated by good intelligence, law enforcement, covert operations, and infiltrating terrorist cells to kill or capture the bad guys. And by changing the paradigm of our economic and political relationship with the arab world.

We've seen what a "war" in iraq has done to solve the problem: made terrorism and anti-americanism worse.

I'd really like to know exactly how air craft carriers, tanks, artillery, and invading nation states is going to win the war on terra.
Buchanan disagrees. He said this morning that McCain was giving everyone straight talk. He is going to further this war on terra. That he is going to go to war with Iran. The point on Morning Joe was that McCain doesn't have the chops to discuss anything BUT the war on terra.

I think that Buchanon is clearly correct on this. I don’t even understand how it can be debated, but I guess I should have known better because this thread really brought out all of the masterdbaiters.