It is constantly presented as novel and new on this very site and in articles. Your ignorance notwithstanding I've heard many times how "Obama, at least, would send in troops after Osama!" pretending that troops do not cross into Pakistan and that this would be a change in policy.I still have no fucking idea what you are talking about. It was never presented as novel or new. It was presented in response to a debate question. When Obama, followed by Edwards followed by Richardson, followed by Clinton (who hedged by saying that she would let the Pakistani government know when missiles were on the way), responded that they would pursue Al Qaeda into Pakistan, they weren't presenting it as a novel idea.
Again, it was the Republicans idiots, including Mitt Romney, that seemed to think it was remarkable, not the Democrats.
That you "don't know" about this, I believe is deliberate. Because you like to spin your own little whirlpool in supposed "darkness".