Dixie is a Republican. Of course each person predicts their party will win. Republicans have won 5 of the last 8 elections. So Dixie has a 62.5% prediction rating. Also, you have to remember that Dixie is a compulsive liar. So we don't really know if he predicted that Bush 1 would lose the election, or if Carter would lose the 1980 election.
Everything Dixie said just echoes what McCain is saying. The least he could do is try to be original and not the dumbshit redneck he portrays on here time and time again.
LOL.. Well, you can think what you will, my record is 90% if I get this one right. I am actually a registered independent, but I have voted Republican since 1980. I voted for Carter in 1976! I never thought Dole had a chance of beating Clinton, and up until the last week or so, I honestly thought Obama had a chance of beating McCain. I'm not a liar, compulsive or otherwise, and I doubt I could maintain a presence here, if I were. I can be wrong sometimes, and when I am proven wrong, I am the first to admit I was wrong, but that is a far cry from being a compulsive liar.
As for my support of John McCain, you can think what you will on that too. I have stated here, and elsewhere, I don't plan to vote for McCain, and at present, I am officially 'undecided' on who to vote for. I know I will not vote for Obama. I may end up voting for McCain, if he starts sounding like a conservative, nominates Mitt Romney, and starts having chest pains. From a 'political agenda' standpoint, I don't think there would be much difference between McCain and Obama, other than the elation and boasting from libs and lack of true leadership, which is ultimately why I think McCain will win.
If he doesn't win, I will be the first to post that I was wrong. But if he does win, will any of you post a public apology for the scurrilous remarks you've made about me here? I sincerely doubt it.