Verified User
Regardless of your finger puppet at the bottom of this quote, John McCain SOUGHT the endorsement of a man that is an anti catholic hatemonger. Further he has said that Rev Parsley IS one of his spiritual mentors and he calls for the eradication of Islam, despite the fact that there are thousands of Americans who are Islamic. But it IS politically correct in conservative circles to call for the elimination of Moslems.Dear Midcan, et al. liberals,
You are a lying sack of shit. Hagee is not "McCain's Crazy White Preacher" as you assert. Hagee's church is located in San Antonio, TX. John McCain resides in Arizona. Beside that, John McCain is a member of the Episcopal Church.
By contrast, Obama sat under that Marxist swine Reverand Wrong for 20 goddamn years, soaking up divisive, anti-American propaganda. That's as good as approval.
Comparing the two shows what a dishonest piece of garbage you truly are.
F you.