Good Luck
New member
Why do people find it surprising that a large percentage of soldiers sent into a battle zone would desire to stay and finish the job? We're talking men who volunteered for the military, knew what joining the military means (contrary to a lot of bullshit coming from the anti-war crowd), almost all of whom have at the very least seen first hand a buddy or acquaintance injured or killed.Oh boy a WEBSITE proves that a MAJORITY of vets want to remain there. Nice logic. Ranks right up there with, the bible is true because it is gods word for logic
When one goes into battle, getting shot at, watching buddies die, there is a strong desire to make the horrible events of warfare mean something; to draw something positive out of going through the hell of battle.
So of course there would be many soldiers stationed in Iraq who desire to stay until the mission they were given is accomplished. And there will also be among many of those soldiers a strong resentment against those who would prevent them from accomplishing their mission - even if that mission is not politically or militarily feasible.