Meat eaters are sexier !

Originally Posted by bob
i aint got nothing aginst vegers. but what gets me is that they try to make their veggies look like meet... whats up with that ???? a veggie burger ish whats wrong with normal veggies ?

I'm allergic to both mushrooms and shellfish. Just thinking about either makes my stomach almost spasm. We eat mostly chicken (but from the butcher, the supermarket chicken has that sodium phosphate injected in and it's gross) and fish (salmon and trout mostly, occasionally tuna). Once in a while we'll indulge in a steak. Lots of fresh veggies.

I agree with bob; why make something that's just "pretend meat"? Tofu burgers are a laugh -- and one chemical found in soya apparently inhibits calcium absorption. It's possible -- tricky but possible -- to get the protein you need in a vegetarian diet, but we have evolved as omnivores, so the protein isn't optional. Meat is easier.[/QUOTE]

On behave of life: I'm sorry you're allergic to mushrooms and shellfish. You're missing out!

Much like I'm missing out on bony fish foods :(

And ditto on the pretend meat stuff. I won't touch it.
What? Have you had a nice juicy grilled portabello. I used to think that but I suggest next bbq you go to, pop one on the grill and have with your steak. Delicious!!!!!!!!

I make a killer portabello & wine sauce over a filet mignon.

well, i am sure they are wounderful... i was forced to eat mushrooms when lil... then i got into the psychedelic mushrooms and well they did me in... everytime i see cooked mushrooms i start gaging... maybe if i had a blindfold and my nose pluged, but i still think the texture would get me.
Oh christ, now I'm hungry.

Yum, portabello mushroom. I had a grilled protabello mushroom sandwhich, with grilled red pepper and sprouts last week. Paradise.

I get those sometimes when I go to diners. There's a diner on Route 1 in Edison, NJ that does them the best!!!!!!!! Yeah. I'm hungry now too. Who's idea was it to start this thread?
well, i am sure they are wounderful... i was forced to eat mushrooms when lil... then i got into the psychedelic mushrooms and well they did me in... everytime i see cooked mushrooms i start gaging... maybe if i had a blindfold and my nose pluged, but i still think the texture would get me.

Well, I have no idea about psychedelic mushrooms nor do I ever plan too, but I too was forced to eat them as a kid and hated the texture. It wasn't until a BBQ in college that I rediscovered them.

I can definitely relate to not wanting something you were force fed as a child. Til this day I won't touch asparagus.
i love beef.. i usaly eat stake atleast 3-4 nights out of the week, mostly t-bones or porter houses..its a good thing i know a few beef ranchers otherwise i would be broke

but you cant have a stake dinner and call it a good dinner without some sort of veggie... the fresher the better... i dont know what i would do without corn and greanbeans

Spinach, brocolli, mushrooms...goooooood
Are vegetarians less attractive?

by Jonathon Morgan
Nov 14th 2007 @ 4:38PM

As you're probably aware, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is obsessed with linking vegetarianism and sex. Their campaigns are like 1990s beer commercials -- insinuating that by drinking Budweiser dropping meat from your diet that you look like their uber-sexy, mostly-naked supermodel spokesperson.

So it's not surprising that they held a contest for Europe's Sexiest Vegetarian. But take look at the winners (or view the gallery below) -- what gives? Sure, they're OK looking, and their choice to abstain from meat means they're not contributing to factory farming, and thus reducing their carbon footprint -- which is awesome. However, if these are the two sexiest people the European vegetarian community has to offer, what does that say about vegetarians in general?

Unsure? Take a look at the rest of the "finalists." It seems that a) consuming meat makes you more attractive, b) the best looking people don't love animals enough to stop eating them, or c) PETA didn't try very hard with this contest.

Again, going veggie is great -- for you, the world's bovine population, and (most importantly) the planet. But, if this contest is any indication, don't be surprised if your meat-free lifestyle has a negative effect on your sex life. Then again, when you look at this list of sexy celebrity vegetarians, it's a different story. In any case, here's the rest of the PETA finalists.

Could it be that since there are many more omnivores than vegetarians that may have a bearing on the size of the two pools of people from which to draw?
One of the reasons we have next to the highest heart attack rates and obesity

Nawlins food
Shrimp Po Boy
May Yeah!!!