Media Misdirection On The Border

The basis for so much resistence to Trump’s Wall stems, in part, from touchy-feely mosquitoes who flit from cause to cause trying to convince everyone that their global village is the only way to go. The vast majority of Americans disagree with that media-promoted view, but are powerless to discredit it even when they think they are electing politicians who will stand firm against such a misleading utopian promise.

Because elected officials have failed American voters on defending this country’s sovereignty so many times in the past, a substantial number of private sector voters have joined the growing throng of disillusioned Americans who have turned their backs television news, and on all politics for reasons of their own. If the causes for disillusionment continues to increase in number, the day is not far off when only those people living on tax dollars will bother to vote —— and they will always vote their wallets. “It is tax revenues, Stupid!”

Parenthetically, the worst generation was populated by perverts and drug addicts. That did not stop the worst generation from telling the best generation that everyone on the planet had to join hands once a day and belt out a couple of choruses of I’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony.

Anyone who did not sing along was quickly branded as a meanspirited isolationist. For example: The village bleeding hearts claimed that securing national borders against illegal immigration had nothing to do with territorial sovereignty —— it was nothing more than isolationism at its worst. The thing that scared them the most was the government stopping illegal immigration and, at the same time, shutting down entitlements. Of course, that turn of events would cut into their oh-so-compassionate protest activities because then they would have to strap on a leaf blower five days a week to make ends meet —— leaving them little time to save the world.

More than 25 million illegal alien in this country do not want the wall. Democrats want no borders so more illegal aliens can come in and vote for Democrats.

President Trump wants the wall for the wrong reason.

Trump can build his wall as wide as the Missouri and as high as the Empire State Building. That will not stop illegal aliens from climbing through, over, under, and around it. In short: No wall is stronger than free stuff.

Building —— or preventing —— a wall is media misdirection designed to take the public’s attention off everything that is needed more than a wall:

1. Repeal every open-borders law starting with this one:

2. Repeal every law that blocks immediate deportation.

3. Stop lawyers from getting tax dollars to pay all of those appeals illegal alien file after they are caught.

4. Make employers who hire illegals pay every cost associated with capture and deportation.

5. Confiscate real property owned by illegal aliens.

6. Pass a constitutional law against birthright citizenship for illegal aliens.

7. Stop chain migration in every instance.

8. Do the same thing President Eisenhower did.

This is what Socialists fear more than they fear a wall that is easily breached:

During the 1950s, however, this "Good Old Boy" system changed under Eisenhower – if only for about 10 years.

In 1954, Ike appointed retired Gen. Joseph "Jumpin' Joe" Swing, a former West Point classmate and veteran of the 101st Airborne, as the new INS commissioner.

Influential politicians, including Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson (D) of Texas and Sen. Pat McCarran (D) of Nevada, favored open borders, and were dead set against strong border enforcement, Brownell said. But General Swing's close connections to the president shielded him – and the Border Patrol – from meddling by powerful political and corporate interests:

President Trump is stuck with Nutso and Upchuck:

One of Swing's first decisive acts was to transfer certain entrenched immigration officials out of the border area to other regions of the country where their political connections with people such as Senator Johnson would have no effect.

Then on June 17, 1954, what was called "Operation Wetback" began. Because political resistance was lower in California and Arizona, the roundup of aliens began there. Some 750 agents swept northward through agricultural areas with a goal of 1,000 apprehensions a day. By the end of July, over 50,000 aliens were caught in the two states. Another 488,000, fearing arrest, had fled the country.

By mid-July, the crackdown extended northward into Utah, Nevada, and Idaho, and eastward to Texas.

By September, 80,000 had been taken into custody in Texas, and an estimated 500,000 to 700,000 illegals had left the Lone Star State voluntarily.

Unlike today, Mexicans caught in the roundup were not simply released at the border, where they could easily reenter the US. To discourage their return, Swing arranged for buses and trains to take many aliens deep within Mexico before being set free.

Tens of thousands more were put aboard two hired ships, the Emancipation and the Mercurio. The ships ferried the aliens from Port Isabel, Texas, to Vera Cruz, Mexico, more than 500 miles south.


There are now said to be 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens in the US. Of the Mexicans who live here, an estimated 85 percent are here illegally.

One day in 1954, Border Patrol agent Walt Edwards picked up a newspaper in Big Spring, Texas, and saw some startling news. The government was launching an all-out drive to oust illegal aliens from the United States.

The orders came straight from the top, where the new president, Dwight Eisenhower, had put a former West Point classmate, Gen. Joseph Swing, in charge of immigration enforcement.

General Swing's fast-moving campaign soon secured America's borders – an accomplishment no other president has since equaled. Illegal migration had dropped 95 percent by the late 1950s.

Several retired Border Patrol agents who took part in the 1950s effort, including Mr. Edwards, say much of what Swing did could be repeated today.

"Some say we cannot send 12 million illegals now in the United States back where they came from. Of course we can!" Edwards says.

Donald Coppock, who headed the Patrol from 1960 to 1973, says that if Swing and Ike were still running immigration enforcement, "they'd be on top of this in a minute."

William Chambers, another '50s veteran, agrees. "They could do a pretty good job" sealing the border.

Edwards says: "When we start enforcing the law, these various businesses are, on their own, going to replace their [illegal] workforce with a legal workforce."

While Congress debates building a fence on the border, these veterans say other actions should have higher priority.

1. End the current practice of taking captured Mexican aliens to the border and releasing them. Instead, deport them deep into Mexico, where return to the US would be more costly.

2. Crack down hard on employers who hire illegals. Without jobs, the aliens won't come.

3. End "catch and release" for non-Mexican aliens. It is common for illegal migrants not from Mexico to be set free after their arrest if they promise to appear later before a judge. Few show up.

The Patrol veterans say enforcement could also be aided by a legalized guest- worker program that permits Mexicans to register in their country for temporary jobs in the US. Eisenhower's team ran such a program. It permitted up to 400,000 Mexicans a year to enter the US for various agriculture jobs that lasted for 12 to 52 weeks.

How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico
By John Dillin
July 6, 2006

You’re not to bright Ned. The opposition to Trumps granfallon is that it would be a huge waste of money as 1. No such wall in all of human history has ever, let me emphasize that, EVER, worked and #2. That’s not where the majority of illegal immigrants are crossing.

Now if you want to build a monument to ignorance, stupidity and bigotry be my guest but get your fucking hands out of my pocket Ned.
A border wall along with deporting illegals would set the Democrat party back 50 or 60 years. Democrats don't respect our nation's heritage, they just want to welcome Hispanics cause they vote for Democrat politicians.

You mean our heritage of being a nation of immigrants? My ancestors didn’t have a visa when they came here nearly 300 years ago.
The basis for so much resistence to Trump’s Wall stems, in part, from touchy-feely mosquitoes who flit from cause to cause trying to convince everyone that their global village is the only way to go. The vast majority of Americans disagree with that media-promoted view, but are powerless to discredit it even when they think they are electing politicians who will stand firm against such a misleading utopian promise.

Because elected officials have failed American voters on defending this country’s sovereignty so many times in the past, a substantial number of private sector voters have joined the growing throng of disillusioned Americans who have turned their backs television news, and on all politics for reasons of their own. If the causes for disillusionment continues to increase in number, the day is not far off when only those people living on tax dollars will bother to vote —— and they will always vote their wallets. “It is tax revenues, Stupid!”

Parenthetically, the worst generation was populated by perverts and drug addicts. That did not stop the worst generation from telling the best generation that everyone on the planet had to join hands once a day and belt out a couple of choruses of I’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony.

Anyone who did not sing along was quickly branded as a meanspirited isolationist. For example: The village bleeding hearts claimed that securing national borders against illegal immigration had nothing to do with territorial sovereignty —— it was nothing more than isolationism at its worst. The thing that scared them the most was the government stopping illegal immigration and, at the same time, shutting down entitlements. Of course, that turn of events would cut into their oh-so-compassionate protest activities because then they would have to strap on a leaf blower five days a week to make ends meet —— leaving them little time to save the world.

More than 25 million illegal alien in this country do not want the wall. Democrats want no borders so more illegal aliens can come in and vote for Democrats.

President Trump wants the wall for the wrong reason.

Trump can build his wall as wide as the Missouri and as high as the Empire State Building. That will not stop illegal aliens from climbing through, over, under, and around it. In short: No wall is stronger than free stuff.

Building —— or preventing —— a wall is media misdirection designed to take the public’s attention off everything that is needed more than a wall:

1. Repeal every open-borders law starting with this one:

2. Repeal every law that blocks immediate deportation.

3. Stop lawyers from getting tax dollars to pay all of those appeals illegal alien file after they are caught.

4. Make employers who hire illegals pay every cost associated with capture and deportation.

5. Confiscate real property owned by illegal aliens.

6. Pass a constitutional law against birthright citizenship for illegal aliens.

7. Stop chain migration in every instance.

8. Do the same thing President Eisenhower did.

This is what Socialists fear more than they fear a wall that is easily breached:

During the 1950s, however, this "Good Old Boy" system changed under Eisenhower – if only for about 10 years.

In 1954, Ike appointed retired Gen. Joseph "Jumpin' Joe" Swing, a former West Point classmate and veteran of the 101st Airborne, as the new INS commissioner.

Influential politicians, including Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson (D) of Texas and Sen. Pat McCarran (D) of Nevada, favored open borders, and were dead set against strong border enforcement, Brownell said. But General Swing's close connections to the president shielded him – and the Border Patrol – from meddling by powerful political and corporate interests:

President Trump is stuck with Nutso and Upchuck:

One of Swing's first decisive acts was to transfer certain entrenched immigration officials out of the border area to other regions of the country where their political connections with people such as Senator Johnson would have no effect.

Then on June 17, 1954, what was called "Operation Wetback" began. Because political resistance was lower in California and Arizona, the roundup of aliens began there. Some 750 agents swept northward through agricultural areas with a goal of 1,000 apprehensions a day. By the end of July, over 50,000 aliens were caught in the two states. Another 488,000, fearing arrest, had fled the country.

By mid-July, the crackdown extended northward into Utah, Nevada, and Idaho, and eastward to Texas.

By September, 80,000 had been taken into custody in Texas, and an estimated 500,000 to 700,000 illegals had left the Lone Star State voluntarily.

Unlike today, Mexicans caught in the roundup were not simply released at the border, where they could easily reenter the US. To discourage their return, Swing arranged for buses and trains to take many aliens deep within Mexico before being set free.

Tens of thousands more were put aboard two hired ships, the Emancipation and the Mercurio. The ships ferried the aliens from Port Isabel, Texas, to Vera Cruz, Mexico, more than 500 miles south.


There are now said to be 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens in the US. Of the Mexicans who live here, an estimated 85 percent are here illegally.

One day in 1954, Border Patrol agent Walt Edwards picked up a newspaper in Big Spring, Texas, and saw some startling news. The government was launching an all-out drive to oust illegal aliens from the United States.

The orders came straight from the top, where the new president, Dwight Eisenhower, had put a former West Point classmate, Gen. Joseph Swing, in charge of immigration enforcement.

General Swing's fast-moving campaign soon secured America's borders – an accomplishment no other president has since equaled. Illegal migration had dropped 95 percent by the late 1950s.

Several retired Border Patrol agents who took part in the 1950s effort, including Mr. Edwards, say much of what Swing did could be repeated today.

"Some say we cannot send 12 million illegals now in the United States back where they came from. Of course we can!" Edwards says.

Donald Coppock, who headed the Patrol from 1960 to 1973, says that if Swing and Ike were still running immigration enforcement, "they'd be on top of this in a minute."

William Chambers, another '50s veteran, agrees. "They could do a pretty good job" sealing the border.

Edwards says: "When we start enforcing the law, these various businesses are, on their own, going to replace their [illegal] workforce with a legal workforce."

While Congress debates building a fence on the border, these veterans say other actions should have higher priority.

1. End the current practice of taking captured Mexican aliens to the border and releasing them. Instead, deport them deep into Mexico, where return to the US would be more costly.

2. Crack down hard on employers who hire illegals. Without jobs, the aliens won't come.

3. End "catch and release" for non-Mexican aliens. It is common for illegal migrants not from Mexico to be set free after their arrest if they promise to appear later before a judge. Few show up.

The Patrol veterans say enforcement could also be aided by a legalized guest- worker program that permits Mexicans to register in their country for temporary jobs in the US. Eisenhower's team ran such a program. It permitted up to 400,000 Mexicans a year to enter the US for various agriculture jobs that lasted for 12 to 52 weeks.

How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico
By John Dillin
July 6, 2006

The drugs are making you hallucinate
A border wall along with deporting illegals would set the Democrat party back 50 or 60 years. Democrats don't respect our nation's heritage, they just want to welcome Hispanics cause they vote for Democrat politicians.

Who do you think we took that land from? You want Mexico to simply to ignore their heritage.
Democrats are not hypocrites —— they are liars:

Trump Shares Old Videos Of Schumer, Hillary, Obama Supporting Border Security
5:48 PM 12/13/2018 | Politics
Benny Johnson

If Democrats wanted border security illegal aliens never would have got in to begin with. Trump does not get it. Any wall Democrats ‘HELP’ build will have fewer holes in it than:


p.s. Calling Nutso a bag lady slanders bag ladies everywhere:

Who Wore It Best? Beautiful Melania Trump or Bag Lady Nancy Pelosi in Her Boxy Red Coat?
by Jim Hoft
December 14, 2018

Damn you are crude . Pelosi is 78 years old. Lets see Melania when she is 78.
To archives: Do not read my threads at all. I do not write messages for bumper sticker mentality halfwits.

To Nordberg: But you sure as hell can send them back where they came from.

To Nordberg: Today’s immigrants come here to get on welfare state programs.

See number 16 permalink in this thread:

No they do not come for welfare. They do not qualify for it. They come for jobs and the American chance to better themselves. They get jobs and send money back to help their families.
We deport them by the millions. Obama was called the deporter in chief. Can you imagine that?
You’re not to bright Ned. The opposition to Trumps granfallon is that it would be a huge waste of money as 1. No such wall in all of human history has ever, let me emphasize that, EVER, worked and #2. That’s not where the majority of illegal immigrants are crossing.

Now if you want to build a monument to ignorance, stupidity and bigotry be my guest but get your fucking hands out of my pocket Ned.

To Matt the Hoople: Asshole:

Trump can build his wall as wide as the Missouri and as high as the Empire State Building. That will not stop illegal aliens from climbing through, over, under, and around it. In short: No wall is stronger than free stuff.

Building —— or preventing —— a wall is media misdirection designed to take the public’s attention off everything that is needed more than a wall:
To Nordberg: How many Canadians are here illegally compared to 30,000,000 illegal aliens?

How many Canadians are on welfare state programs? If every one of your 50,000 came here to access welfare state programs it would be a drop in the bucket compared to billions of tax dollars illegal aliens collect every year in one form or another. Free education alone is costing American taxpayers billions every year.

Incidentally, Canadians do not come here for free healthcare, while illegal aliens are flooding our hospitals and free clinics. If illegal aliens from Central America want socialized medicine this country should send those caravans all the way to the Canadian border.

50,000. I lived in detroit and many, many Canadians go throiugh the tunnel to take American jobs every day. Most take good jobs. They don't want to move here with our medical and educational systems. The Canadians I ask about whether they would want to trade medical system laugh out loud when I bring it up. Why would they seek our medical system. They don't want to go bankrupt.
Who wants to immigrate to the US? You think it is the wealthy? Mexico has some of the wealhiest people in the world. Their wealth gap is as bad as ours . It is the poor who want to better their lives who come. They take crappy jobs and try and make something out of themselves.
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Some illegal immigrants gained a new right of appeal Thursday when a federal appeals court ruled that Congress cannot prevent them from challenging their deportations in federal courts.

The American Civil Liberties Union, which had argued the case, called it a “sweeping” decision that will give asylum-seekers the chance to make their case in a regular U.S. court, rather than being limited to bureaucrats and judges in the immigration court system.

The ruling was issued by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and only applies to cases within that region — including the border states of California and Arizona.

The three-judge panel — all appointees of President Clinton — said Congress cannot short-circuit access to the courts for illegal immigrants who say they wanted to ask for asylum but were given short-shrift by the Homeland Security Department.

They said migrants arriving in the U.S., even those without status, have a habeas corpus right to have their treatment reviewed by federal courts, particularly because there are only “meager” safeguards built into the system already.

“Habeas review provides important oversight of whether DHS complied with the required credible fear procedures,” Judge A. Wallace Tashima wrote in the opinion for the unanimous panel.

The 9th Circuit’s ruling overturned a district court judge, an Obama appointee. It also conflicts with another decision by the 3rd U.S. Circuit, which looked at the same question and came to the opposite conclusion.

That could make the case ripe for an appeal to the Supreme Court, since the justices are often more eager to step in when there’s a split among the circuits.

The Justice Department declined to comment on the setback.

Thursday’s case involved a Sri Lankan man, Vijayakumar Thuraissigiam, who fled to Mexico in 2016, then snuck into the U.S. in early 2017, was arrested and put into what’s known as “expedited removal,” a fast deportation process that prevents the federal courts from getting involved in all but a few specific circumstances.

Mr. Thuraissigiam then requested asylum.

An asylum officer reviewed his claim and decided it was lacking. That decision was affirmed by a supervisor, and then by an immigration judge, who is part of the executive branch.

Mr. Thuraissigiam then sued, arguing his rights had been violated by the proceedings.

The government argued federal courts couldn’t hear the case, pointing to the law that only allows court challenges in limited cases where someone claims he’s actually a citizen, whether he has another legal right to be in the U.S., and whether he was actually ordered deported.

The 9th Circuit said those circumstances were too limited.

It said the Supreme Court had extended habeas rights to terrorism suspects at Guantanamo, who’d never set foot on U.S. soil, so under that same framework, people who have reached the U.S., even if they did so without authorization, have habeas rights.

I never knew that federal judges were allowed to define principles! I always thought judges were supposed to defend Rights spelled out in the written Constitution. In any event illegal alien have no constitutional Right to be here; so deporting them posthaste cannot possibly deprive them of a constitutional liberty granted by the ACLU.

“The historical and practical importance of this ruling cannot be overstated,” said Lee Gelernt, deputy director of the ACLU’s immigrants’ rights project. “This decision reaffirms the Constitution’s foundational principle that individuals deprived of their liberty must have access to a federal court.”

Court gives illegal immigrants new right of appeal before deportation
By Stephen Dinan
Thursday, March 7, 2019

ACLU Communists ain’t about to give up a lucrative source of income:

2. Repeal every law that blocks immediate deportation.

3. Stop lawyers from getting tax dollars to pay all of those appeals illegal alien file after they are caught.

4. Make employers who hire illegals pay every cost associated with capture and deportation.
3. Stop lawyers from getting tax dollars to pay for all of those appeals illegal alien file after they are caught.

Trump should use his authority to find out if those parasite lawyers are paid tax dollars:

President Donald Trump berated Democrats Thursday for causing a crisis on the Southern border by promising amnesty for illegal immigrants and making sure they take advantage of legal protections.

“Democrats want to pretend that there is no border crisis, for one simple reason. Because they have caused the border crisis,” Donald Trump said. “You know why else? Honestly? Because they want votes, and they don’t want to give us a win.”

Trump said that illegal immigrants and migrants crossing the border were met by lawyers who coached them to take advantage of the existing legal loopholes to get into the country.

Donald Trump: Illegal Immigrants Met by Democrat Lawyers at the Border
by Charlie Spiering
28 Mar 2019

If they are American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) lawyers they have to change the name to Illegal Alien Civil Liberties Union (IACLU).
5. Confiscate real property owned by illegal aliens.

Illegal aliens might not have anything worth confiscating, but this will do for now:

Citing the Immigration and Nationality Act, ICE officials said the agency has the right to impose civil fines, up to $799 a day, on undocumented immigrants who have been ordered removed, or who have failed to leave the country. Officials said the agency began issuing such notices in December, though it was not clear on Thursday how many had been sent.

Ordered Deported, Then Sent a $497,777 Fine From ICE
By Elizabeth Dias
July 4, 2019

There is one thing to fear. Elected Democrat parasites might a find a way to pay the fines with tax dollars.
Everyone on this site is an immigrant of one flavor or another, the idea that the earth was created for people who like to think of themselves as special is un-American un-Christian un-religious and inhuman. No one would want to live where the immigrants on our southern border live and much of the trouble there was and is related to past American interference. If there is a God I'm sure she is on the side of justice and a good life for all people. We can figure this out, we are a smart enough people and considerate enough people. Hate is so unbecoming.

'They’Re Only ‘Illegals’ If They’Re Brown - American Conservatives Welcome Immigrants—Just So Long As They're White Christians'

"The key to getting asylum in the United States is to be white, socially conservative, and really into Jesus—or at least that’s the lesson imparted by the US government’s decision not to deport a family running away from Germany’s educational system. And conservatives—the same sort who complain about immigrants destroying our culture, insofar as we have one—couldn’t be happier."
Everyone on this site is an immigrant of one flavor or another,

To midcan5: Not every immigrant is here illegally, nor did my ancestors emigrate for free stuff.

Note that today’s illegal aliens along with economic refugees come here to sign up for welfare state programs, while immigrants who came here legally contributed to the country, and to themselves with work. More to the point, there was no tax on income before 1913 —— the year this country began going downhill.
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