Meet Joe Bidens son

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For years we heard the left claimed Russia was holding blackmail information on Donald Trump. The left even suggested that there was a Russian ‘pee – pee’ tape.
This was a complete lie. It was all made up.

But the Russians certainly are holding blackmail tape
s on Hunter Biden to use against a Biden administration.
We found the real blackmail photos. This has nothing to do with President Trump. But it does have everything to do with THE BIDENS.

Why? You have no moral stance, so why? On any level?
Now there are pictures out there of Hunter banging Obama's daughter Malia as well. Close up of her credit card on the nightstand too, along with a few lines of coke. :laugh:

That's been out there for a while. I have them saved on my other OS.
Obama's white dog at the foot of the bed.
All that is not even an issue. It's the $10 million bribe from the Chinese that Joe had his son broker. THAT is a problem.
naturally democrats dont care they are in denial and deviants on top of that,if it was trumps son your head would explode like the aliens in mars attacks . be honest

I have no clue what 'democrats' think. I am not apart of that party nor do I listen to their corporatist bullshit. I don't even need that sorry pathetic 'BO-Biderp' hitjob that from an IT point of view was beyond pathetic to know that the entire Trump family was nothing more than grfiters showing themselves everyday, they where already beyond anything projection theater dipshits like you eat up out of a desperate NEEEEED to be, Mc. Right. Your mentality is pathetic, your observation skills are pathetic, your way of being is damaged. You are on the football team gerbil wheel of ideology. I could give two shits to the wind about the DNC or RNC, I mean literally the letters tell you, they are the same other than a fucking letter but you go on being the one to school me dipshit.

You're mentality is fucking sad. I bet you are not that mentality but you've allowed it to define your being.

hunter sure looks smart in those pictures and even smarter in the ones where hes smoking crack.
no wonder he is his daddy's chip off the old block
Joe will have to pardon Hunter. I'm not surprised by the ignorance about the Biden crime family.

yes if blow hole joe aka the big biter cant put the fix in with the fbi to not go after the little biter he very well will have to pardon him and joe brother.

but I think he will quietly put the fix in.
yes hunter biters the son of blow hole joe biter.
hes a accomplished child rapist according to China and his lap top, a con man and influence peddler for his dad, a whore monger and a crack head tax fraud and money launderer,

And this is the smartest man Joe blow hole biter said he knew. lol

Id hate to see who the dumbest is , perhaps a convicted serial killer
Meet the fucking apostrophe [ ' ] , you illiterate cracker.

meet the truth you simple bastard
the saga of Hunter Biden. Other than occasionally surfacing the public consciousness for some brazen act of disregard for public mores (getting commissioned in the Navy Reserve by using your father’s influence, getting booted from the Navy for cocaine use, spending the family money on hookers and blow, dumping your family, boffing your dead brother’s widow, dumping your dead brother’s widow, impregnating a stripper, having strippers use dildos on you, marrying a woman after only knowing her for a week), Hunter has led a life out of the public view



An addict who has spoken openly about his drug use, Cunt-Hunter Hunter was married for 24 years to Kathleen Biden, with whom he has three grown daughters.

She divorced him in 2013.

He then started fucking Hallie Biden, the widow of his elder brother Beau, almost before his brother's corpse was cold.

Cunt-Hunter ditched Hallie in early 2019.

Undeterred, Cunt-Hunter moved on to a stripper named Lunden Alexis Roberts, whom he impregnated and abandoned.

Cunt-Hunter initially argued that he was not the father of Roberts’ child.

Cunt-Hunter’s child support agreement with a former stripper was finalized by a judge a day before a public hearing in the case was set to go forward, according to court papers.

The judge blasted the usurper’s drug-addicted son for his repeated attempts to delay that case, possibly to avoid the release of financial documents that could expose his business dealings abroad.
Democrat really want hunter to go away but he wont . he did sell 11000 books to the democrats who think he is their hero