Meg Whitman

Conservatives economic policies have wrought hell in California, shredding their economy like a virus.

I love it when a liberal steps in it. Name the specific conservative policies and how they wrought hell in Ca, the most enviormentally and socially liberal state in the union.


She should run on a campaign of oil drilling off our central and north coasts, dismantling our water and air quality laws, and closing state parks and wildlife refuges.

Cyress isn't their an section where oil is bubbling up to the surface whereby drilling would actually lower the pressure and be much cleaner than doing nothing.:pke:
Actually I'll settle for her being exosed as the newbie she is.

Whitman is a newbie?

LMAO... she has over a decade of REAL world experience as the CEO of Ebay.

Took the company from about 50 employees to over 15000. She is anything but a newbie. She would be a great choice to fix the economic problems CA faces.
Whitman is a newbie?

LMAO... she has over a decade of REAL world experience as the CEO of Ebay.

Took the company from about 50 employees to over 15000. She is anything but a newbie. She would be a great choice to fix the economic problems CA faces.

I don't want her to die, just sprain an akle so bad she can't tramp her fat ass all around Cali pissing on freedom.:pke:
BULLSHIT you know nothing. Medicine was socialized in Germany in 1870's
True, by Bismark, who thought that it would stave off socialism. Hitler expanded the program and brought in the "Law for the Prevention of Progeny of Hereditary Disease" and forced abortions and killed thousands of handicapped children, even doing medical experiments on them.
True, by Bismark, who thought that it would stave off socialism. Hitler expanded the program and brought in the "Law for the Prevention of Progeny of Hereditary Disease" and forced abortions and killed thousands of handicapped children, even doing medical experiments on them.

Hitler expanded the program? Link?

Bismark did introduce it in the 1870's. The SPD in that days was literally Marxist. But they never got a majority of the legislature after they were legalized, and they abandoned Marxism in the 50's. In fact, the only center left government Germany has every had was the one between 1998 and 2005, and they pursued neo-liberal market oriented policies. However, if Bismarck had never passed universal healthcare, there's no doubt in my mind that the SDP would have eventually won a majority in their Marxist days, and nationalized the entire German economy.

BTW, The eugenics laws had nothing to do with Germany's health system. They maintain pretty much the same system as they've had since the 1870's.