Mel Gibson to Make Rothschild / NWO movie

Well,...nice knowing you Mel . Sure hope not so be careful and put on the full Armor of God.
Goodonyer, Gibbo. Sock it to the slavering sycophants of Mammon.

Haw, haw..................................haw.
Unless you put on the full armor of God. If he is with us who can stand against us? NOBODY.

Mel is virtually shut out from Hollywood, prompted by the infamous Malibu DUI arrest in 2006 during which he unleashed an anti-Semitic rant. That was followed by leaked tapes in 2010 where Gibson screamed racist remarks, including using the n-word, at his then-girlfriend, Oksana Grigorieva, the mother of one of his nine children. She later alleged Gibson was physically abusive. Even before his fall from grace, Gibson had routinely been in trouble for homophobic comments.

But even his loose racist lips and drunkedness, have not prevented him from being a huge draw at the Box Office, even though the Academy seems to ignore his nominations for awards.

He is gifted with talent, and the public seems to have accepted his Bad Boy ways.

But there is always that straw, that could break the camel's back.

You are on your own here Mel, but, I'll grab some popcorn and watch you go out on a limb again- AND YOUR MOVIE- probably make for a great date night out, that is if you can draw some producers, because you don't have any money to produce it. And most of the producers in Hollywood available, that do, are Jewish Bankers! Good Luck! :laugh:

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Mel Gibson is not working on a film about the Rothschilds

Gibson’s publicist, Alan Nierob, said his client has never been linked to any film about the family, noting the rumor has made the rounds before.

“This is all made up information that was responded to quite a few years ago,” he said in an email Friday. “Nothing happening now, then or in the future.”
Well,...nice knowing you Mel . Sure hope not so be careful and put on the full Armor of God.
Gibson has a death wish. You don't fuck with joos or banksters.
Unless you put on the full armor of God. If he is with us who can stand against us? NOBODY.

It’s always nice when all the Christian nationalist AKA white nationalists, gather one spot and identify themselves.
It’s always nice when all the Christian nationalist AKA white nationalists, gather one spot and identify themselves.

the history of the biggest family in banking is a great story.

I'm sorry your censorship and knee jerk status quo banker fascist brainwash has left you an intellectual and spiritual cripple.
the history of the biggest family in banking is a great story.

I'm sorry your censorship and knee jerk status quo banker fascist brainwash has left you an intellectual and spiritual cripple.
Sorry Fredo, my quota for responding to racist assholes and fuckwads is filled up for today. Try again tomorrow.
I honestly thought this antisemitism was over, but with the rise of maga, I have learned it just went underground.
quit sucking fascist banker dick,

if you're not too addicted to reptilian pre-cum.
In the end your hate will see you hanging or shooting yourself, Fredo, but if your WSE friends have their way, they'll talk you into shooting up or blowing up a black church, synagogue or federal office first.

You have the prerequisite self-hatred and hatred of others to become a good patsy.
In the end your hate will see you hanging or shooting yourself, Fredo, but if your WSE friends have their way, they'll talk you into shooting up or blowing up a black church, synagogue or federal office first.

You have the prerequisite self-hatred and hatred of others to become a good patsy.


of course it won't fucknugget.

you're wrong again.
