Melania 'distancing herself' from Trump and probably won't return to White House


Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump raped E. Jean Carroll

The former first lady was so reclusive during Donald Trump's first term in office that many wondered whether she lived at the White House or with her parents in the suburbs, and Melania-ologists surveyed by Axios speculated that she would most likely spend a potential second term splitting time between Palm Beach and New York, where son Barron is rumored to be attending NYU.

"She's distancing herself even more from her husband and from the Washington social political scene," said Kate Andersen Brower, who's written several books about the White House and first ladies. "I mean, she clearly hated being in Washington."

I mean it does not matter, there is zero chance the Regime is going to allow Trump back into the WH.

The former first lady was so reclusive during Donald Trump's first term in office that many wondered whether she lived at the White House or with her parents in the suburbs, and Melania-ologists surveyed by Axios speculated that she would most likely spend a potential second term splitting time between Palm Beach and New York, where son Barron is rumored to be attending NYU.

"She's distancing herself even more from her husband and from the Washington social political scene," said Kate Andersen Brower, who's written several books about the White House and first ladies. "I mean, she clearly hated being in Washington."

Who can blame her? I'm surprised that she hasn't filed for divorce yet, now that Barron's out of h.s. Not to mention the Gropingfuehrer's recent conviction for fraud while paying off a porn star he boinked while she was home with a newborn.

The former first lady was so reclusive during Donald Trump's first term in office that many wondered whether she lived at the White House or with her parents in the suburbs, and Melania-ologists surveyed by Axios speculated that she would most likely spend a potential second term splitting time between Palm Beach and New York, where son Barron is rumored to be attending NYU.

"She's distancing herself even more from her husband and from the Washington social political scene," said Kate Andersen Brower, who's written several books about the White House and first ladies. "I mean, she clearly hated being in Washington."

I applaud her. :clink: Washington D.C, is a sewer.

The former first lady was so reclusive during Donald Trump's first term in office that many wondered whether she lived at the White House or with her parents in the suburbs, and Melania-ologists surveyed by Axios speculated that she would most likely spend a potential second term splitting time between Palm Beach and New York, where son Barron is rumored to be attending NYU.

"She's distancing herself even more from her husband and from the Washington social political scene," said Kate Andersen Brower, who's written several books about the White House and first ladies. "I mean, she clearly hated being in Washington."

She hated how she was treated as First Lady, and justifiably so.
She brought it on herself, when in one of her first acts she outright just stole Michelle Obama's speech and presented it as her own.

I mean, even a plagiarist makes a minimal attempt usually to hide it by changing it slightly. She was shameless in her theft.

And lets also not forget about this admission she made as she was being pushed to go visit migrant children seperated from Parents most would never see again ...

Who can blame her? I'm surprised that she hasn't filed for divorce yet, now that Barron's out of h.s. Not to mention the Gropingfuehrer's recent conviction for fraud while paying off a porn star he boinked while she was home with a newborn.
She is as transactional as Trump but smarter and more strategic.

At each instance when she sees her leaving him, could harm him more, she suddenly gets a new negotiation on her prenup completed. With each upgrade she is required to do less and less while getting more and more money.

Magats claim Stormy was using the election to get money from Trump and hate her for it, while Melania, makes Stormy look like an amateur, and gets the Magats love.