Melania 'distancing herself' from Trump and probably won't return to White House

She is as transactional as Trump but smarter and more strategic.

At each instance when she sees her leaving him, could harm him more, she suddenly gets a new negotiation on her prenup completed. With each upgrade she is required to do less and less while getting more and more money.

Magats claim Stormy was using the election to get money from Trump and hate her for it, while Melania, makes Stormy look like an amateur, and gets the Magats love.
I don't know if she's smarter t han he is, but she definitely has far better lawyers.

Saw a photo of Ivana Trump yesterday. She was far more attractive and "here" than Melania.
What’s the difference? American roses are better?
European rose garden is probably better. That is the reason that all the American rose gardens were given up on.

That being said, melania trump threw away our last major American rose garden, because American traditions mean nothing to her.
European rose garden is probably better. That is the reason that all the American rose gardens were given up on.

That being said, melania trump threw away our last major American rose garden, because American traditions mean nothing to her.
They mean nothing to me too. My wifey is German and we don’t have your normal garden . It’s a botanical zen paradise.