Melania 'hates' her husband and secretly hopes Kamala Harris wins: Ex-Trump official


“It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”

Former Trump White House official Anthony Scaramucci believes that former first lady Melania Trump secretly wants no part of returning to the White House.

Per The Daily Beast, Scaramucci recently appeared on the Meidas Touch podcast in which he discussed what he believed were Melania Trump's real feelings about the 2024 presidential campaign.

Among other things, Scaramucci said that "Nobody wants [Vice President Kamala Harris] to win more than me" and then added "maybe Melania Trump, that could be the only person I can think of."

Scaramucci then said that the former first lady is "tired of all this nonsense" surrounding her husband's political career.

He then went so far as to say that Melania Trump hates her husband more than nearly anyone else on Earth, with the possible exception of Ret. Gen. Mark Milley, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who seemingly referred to former President Donald Trump as a "wannabe dictator" during his retirement speech.
Even when she's not anywhere near the national news, the haters continue to hate.
Looks like the pussies are attacking a woman for no apparent reason again. Fucking cunts...
Even when she's not anywhere near the national news, the haters continue to hate.
Looks like the pussies are attacking a woman for no apparent reason again. Fucking cunts...
The reason is to smear an enemy of the Revolution.
Ugly women always smear a good looking woman.
The left is full of ugly women and sissified men.
This is more about throwing any turd that can be found, to include lies, at Trump.

This is character assassination.....if they could march him through the streets naked and throw shit at him all along the way they would.

You dont know what their deal was/is.

Are you saying....let me be sure here...are you saying that "not all families look alike"? That there are DIFFERENT WAYS to have a family?

Oh that is NOT going to fly at the RNC.

Everyone has the right to be in a relationship of their choosing. If Donald and Melania have a love where he can cheat on here and possibly expose her to sexually transmitted diseases and she can enjoy a golden penthouse and lots of money. That's a traditional Republican family now.

Former Trump White House official Anthony Scaramucci believes that former first lady Melania Trump secretly wants no part of returning to the White House.

Per The Daily Beast, Scaramucci recently appeared on the Meidas Touch podcast in which he discussed what he believed were Melania Trump's real feelings about the 2024 presidential campaign.

Among other things, Scaramucci said that "Nobody wants [Vice President Kamala Harris] to win more than me" and then added "maybe Melania Trump, that could be the only person I can think of."

Scaramucci then said that the former first lady is "tired of all this nonsense" surrounding her husband's political career.

He then went so far as to say that Melania Trump hates her husband more than nearly anyone else on Earth, with the possible exception of Ret. Gen. Mark Milley, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who seemingly referred to former President Donald Trump as a "wannabe dictator" during his retirement speech.
Anthony Scaramucci???? and Rawstory???? Man are you desperate. :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
The left is full of ugly women and sissified men.
You keep pointing out that your gf is a Democrat, and you enthusiastically support a guy who has never changed a tire, never chopped firewood, never grilled ribs and hamburgers.
