MELANIA TRUMP suffered severe humiliation

I'm sure they'd be thrilled to have their kids used!

I can't figure out how taking kids to the stock market has anything to do with the failing "Be Best" campaign-that-never-was.

Good for the school admin and parents. I wouldn't want my kids used as the First Strumpet's props, either.

I'll bet you'd say the same thing about the previous FLOTUS too, right?
No it's very important that parents do not consider the president and his wife good company. Fuck your self stupid loser scumbag

it's soooo boring. of all the things you could complain about trump. you are going to post some petty bullshit from some stupid school no one knows about? seriously who cares. you took time and energy out of your day to get mad over this?

life. get one.
the woman sold pictures of here titties, ass and bush

why would any parent let their child be Used by someone like that

this is anti-sex positive and slut shaming. if the progressives knew what you were saying online you'd be in big trouble maam.
Imagine allowing your child to pose with a criminal family

It could destroy their lives and haunt them forever
so don't allow your children to pose with criminals....
A picture with the President or First Lady would always be treasured....Looks like it happened at the Washington Monument...and will happen on Monday at the Stock Exchange;)
(The kids who will be haunted and "destroyed" are the ones denied the opportunity.... just like the one who were too "distraught" after the election to go to school, etc...that's child abuse, poor idea why they're hating)
after her invitations to school children to join her on a tour of the New York Stock exchange were rejected by their parents.

wife of President Donald Trump would visit the New York Stock Exchange next week and ring the famous opening bell. Melania’s spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham told CNN: “Mrs Trump will be taking part in an iconic New York City tradition, and encouraging children to be best, through her initiative.” Ms Grisham added Melania will be accompanied by several children from the UN International School (UNIS).

Parents at the school were not so keen to have their children associated with the First Lady, however.

Their parents should be the ones embarrassed. I suspect those same parents would have provided the Vaseline in order for their kids to have puckered up to Michelle Obama's black ass.
I'll bet you'd say the same thing about the previous FLOTUS too, right?

Mrs Obama NEVER sold naked pictures of her ass and titties

"I don't really care do you"

not proper attire while visiting caged children your own husband put in those cages

Mrs Trump is evil

Mrs Obama is a well educated caring woman who is one of the most admired women in the world