fully immersed in faith..
because you're dumbfuck lib'ruls I expect........Why do you think so many dumbfuck lib'ruls hateTrump?
because you're dumbfuck lib'ruls I expect........Why do you think so many dumbfuck lib'ruls hateTrump?
Transparency is what sticks in my mind. Trump would do impromptu press conferences and answer questions from reporters. Don't recall any other President who communicated with U. S. citizens as much as Trump did.
You might want to research the difference between transparency and simply "no filter" or "off the cuff".
Are "no filter" and "off the cuff" bad things?? Would you like President Trump better if he carefully planned every sentence to spin whatever the subject was??
LOL Got a pic or clip?A kid on Trump Force One before a Rally I think maybe Louisville asking Trump if he is Batman, and Trump saying yes.
LOL Got a pic or clip?
One of my first Trump memes from 3 years ago.
Ever heard of Google?
Maybe in passing conversation.
Use your words.
Yet you still have time for me. How sweet.APL has vacuumed up all of my fucking around time, and the collapse of America is both picking up speed and is even worse than I expected to see during this life.........I keep on turning up too fucking optimistic.
I am in a mood is what I am trying to say.
This memory is going to be a hard one for me to forget.....
If only it were true.