Men hitting women vs Women hitting men

In today's world, should this be allowed? I've been punched/hit by my wife, ex-girlfriends and never thought anything of it. One time, an ex girlfriend hit me in anger, and I simply grabbed her arms and shoved her back on the bed. And I was accused of beating her for that. Though, she later apologized, it still stung for many years, as all I was doing to do was trying to make the situation the less violent. I'm not going to divulge more, but I was vindicated in the end.

Rana's "anger" brought to you by a misogynist coward who likes to post pictures of men hitting women.


You're a real man's man!

What of our military women? Women hit men all the time in commercials, tv shows, movies, etc.

Do you applaud when women hit men? Maybe it is the punching over and over at his chest. Or punching his shoulder.

Playful punches are always cool. What I have learned is that women tend to get away with beating their spouses or people who live with them.

Is that right?
Having chosen my girlfriends wisely, this has never been a problem. Stay away from the crazies and the bitches.
It is a great question as there is major butt hurt in Cunt Dracula's thread because I posted a GIF of Chuck Norris punching a woman in the face.

Now if the libtards had a general aversion to people getting hit in the face in general, I could see their point. But there are two points I would make.

1) If I posted a gif of a guy punching another guy they wouldn't have blinked an eyelash

2) I posted those same so called offensive gifs replying to Deshtard numerous times and there was nary a peep out of the same people who are in an uproar today. They may try to claim "I never saw them", but I call bullshit on it.

It is nothing more than selective feminism. They bleat on and on that they just want to be treated EQUALLY to men. But they don't really mean it. If they really wanted to be equal then me posting that picture should have been no problem for them. But, they are butt hurt. Or maybe they really don't care, but as always are looking for a way to complain about big bad ILA?
I think sometimes women like darla in particular need a reminder that the only reason why they have a place in modern society is because men have gracefully bestowed upon them "rights" merely through our selfless benevolence. She'll rant about checking privilege and the patriarchy but at the end of the day, if it weren't for Man's good will, the law of nature would have women be complete subservient slaves and they would be able to do nothing about it. A good smack upside the head reminds them every now and then who is really in charge. That's why women like darla really get mad about an innocent gif, it brings them back to reality about the true nature of things. Men are ultimately in charge, and we might let women play politics or business lady occasionally (after all, much like with a dog, you still have to let it out for a walk now and then), but that's all it is. Playtime. Men will always rule the world, and through our grace and good will, we allow women along for the ride.
In today's world, should this be allowed? I've been punched/hit by my wife, ex-girlfriends and never thought anything of it. One time, an ex girlfriend hit me in anger, and I simply grabbed her arms and shoved her back on the bed. And I was accused of beating her for that. Though, she later apologized, it still stung for many years, as all I was doing to do was trying to make the situation the less violent. I'm not going to divulge more, but I was vindicated in the end.

What of our military women? Women hit men all the time in commercials, tv shows, movies, etc.

Do you applaud when women hit men? Maybe it is the punching over and over at his chest. Or punching his shoulder.

Playful punches are always cool. What I have learned is that women tend to get away with beating their spouses or people who live with them.

Is that right?
You should probably make a few points clear. Violent behavior by anyone is unacceptable. Also, domestic abuse by women against men is almost trivial in its frequency and severity when compared to domestic violence perpetrated by men upon women. So a little context and perspective would be helpful here in an honest discussion.
I think sometimes women like darla in particular need a reminder that the only reason why they have a place in modern society is because men have gracefully bestowed upon them "rights" merely through our selfless benevolence. She'll rant about checking privilege and the patriarchy but at the end of the day, if it weren't for Man's good will, the law of nature would have women be complete subservient slaves and they would be able to do nothing about it. A good smack upside the head reminds them every now and then who is really in charge. That's why women like darla really get mad about an innocent gif, it brings them back to reality about the true nature of things. Men are ultimately in charge, and we might let women play politics or business lady occasionally (after all, much like with a dog, you still have to let it out for a walk now and then), but that's all it is. Playtime. Men will always rule the world, and through our grace and good will, we allow women along for the ride.
I bet that's a wonderful pick up line Grind.
I think sometimes women like darla in particular need a reminder that the only reason why they have a place in modern society is because men have gracefully bestowed upon them "rights" merely through our selfless benevolence. She'll rant about checking privilege and the patriarchy but at the end of the day, if it weren't for Man's good will, the law of nature would have women be complete subservient slaves and they would be able to do nothing about it. A good smack upside the head reminds them every now and then who is really in charge. That's why women like darla really get mad about an innocent gif, it brings them back to reality about the true nature of things. Men are ultimately in charge, and we might let women play politics or business lady occasionally (after all, much like with a dog, you still have to let it out for a walk now and then), but that's all it is. Playtime. Men will always rule the world, and through our grace and good will, we allow women along for the ride.

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