Men hitting women vs Women hitting men

It's never crossed my mind to hit a woman
Entirely the opposite sentiments only
Ive never hit a woman but I got knocked out by one. She was a very large African American woman who I was good friends with. She threw a haymaker at this asshole causing a disturbance at work and he ducked and she nailed me instead. It was lights out, parties over.
This is who runs your board.
You would have liked my epic "Dear Customer Service" post I wrote in the complaint department forum. I parodied all the JPP mods. It was a classic. Unfortunately it was lost about a year or so ago when the JPP server crashed. I asked Damo if he could recover it. He said he would get right on it. That was a year ago. He left me a message six months ago that he was still working on it.

I named Grind "*". And described him as being as socially skilled as an anorexic gerbil on Xanax.
I named Rana "Vacant" as she was nice, polite and _ _ _ _ _ _.
I named Billy "Machine Gun Kelly" and described as being as warm and congenial as a brass toilet seat.
And I named our fearless leader Damocles "BeeZ" as he has a bee fetish and is generally to busy to post as often as we'd like.

The amazing thing was not one damned one of them was offended.
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In today's world, should this be allowed? I've been punched/hit by my wife, ex-girlfriends and never thought anything of it. One time, an ex girlfriend hit me in anger, and I simply grabbed her arms and shoved her back on the bed. And I was accused of beating her for that. Though, she later apologized, it still stung for many years, as all I was doing to do was trying to make the situation the less violent. I'm not going to divulge more, but I was vindicated in the end.

What of our military women? Women hit men all the time in commercials, tv shows, movies, etc.

Do you applaud when women hit men? Maybe it is the punching over and over at his chest. Or punching his shoulder.

Playful punches are always cool. What I have learned is that women tend to get away with beating their spouses or people who live with them.

Is that right?

only the scuzz chicks who would be willing to fuck you
I think sometimes women like darla in particular need a reminder that the only reason why they have a place in modern society is because men have gracefully bestowed upon them "rights" merely through our selfless benevolence. She'll rant about checking privilege and the patriarchy but at the end of the day, if it weren't for Man's good will, the law of nature would have women be complete subservient slaves and they would be able to do nothing about it. A good smack upside the head reminds them every now and then who is really in charge. That's why women like darla really get mad about an innocent gif, it brings them back to reality about the true nature of things. Men are ultimately in charge, and we might let women play politics or business lady occasionally (after all, much like with a dog, you still have to let it out for a walk now and then), but that's all it is. Playtime. Men will always rule the world, and through our grace and good will, we allow women along for the ride.

yeah slap that little woman of yours arround grind

after all your tiny penis has no arms to hit back with even after you put that little blonde wig on it and paint it a face huh
yeah slap that little woman of yours arround grind

after all your tiny penis has no arms to hit back with even after you put that little blonde wig on it and paint it a face huh

You couldn't do anything about it if Grind hauled off and punched you in the grill
yeah slap that little woman of yours arround grind

after all your tiny penis has no arms to hit back with even after you put that little blonde wig on it and paint it a face huh

Oh Desh I missed you. Here on a thread where a bunch of men are talking about beating up women, watch, the whiners will complain about Desh's language.

But I applaud you Desh and I mean that 100%. I am glad you returned.
yeah slap that little woman of yours arround grind

after all your tiny penis has no arms to hit back with even after you put that little blonde wig on it and paint it a face huh

Never once said I support hitting women. I am just describing reality. Women have rights solely due to the benevloance of men.