Let's go Brandon!
I'm kind of selective too and that is honorable that you never cheat on your wife because most people do.
I have a female friend, used to be a neighbor, which I consider as my adopted kid sister, who's husband is a philandering bastard. In fact she and my wife saw him with another neighbor's wife travelling in his car on the highway when he was supposedly going into work on a Saturday. They called her up while riding beside their car, and she answered then lied to them. No one would be so bold as to write that story in a novel.
My friend was a model when younger, tall, blonde, very attractive. Great with kids. I was like, what the fuck, to her husband, douchebag, you're sleeping with your neighbor's wife, cheating on your beautiful ex-model wife. They moved 5 hours away to suburban Atlanta. That was 15 years ago, I advised her to divorce the douchebag, and finally, last week, she did it.
Five years ago my daughter and I drove to pick up her classic car to take to a business I used to own to restore it. Douche was there and didn't have the balls to come downstairs and see me.
Last year my wife had a conference in downtown Atlanta so I drove her to her hotel then went on with our dog to stay at our friend's house. By then they were separated, and I was tasked with evaluating any problems with the house so she could sell it. Douche never fixed anything in that house. Window screens had never been removed, cleaned. He had a garage full of shit like old sports equipment that he hadn't used since college stuffed into moldy cardboard boxes. Crappy furniture that should have been thrown out years before. It was borderline hoarding. All the shit that men are supposed to do, this douche, this pansy, this philanderer, never lifted a finger.
For three days I stayed at her house and helped her clean shit up and throw out his stuff, hauled shit to the dump and only made a small dent in his pile of crap. We both worked at this crap all day long, well after dark, then we'd have dinner, drink whiskey, and she'd play the piano and we'd sing 70's rock and roll tunes.
Never once did either of us even entertain the idea of sleeping together. My wife didn't have a worry in the world while she was in her downtown hotel room 20 miles away.
I don't know what "most people do", but apparently I'm not "most people". Neither is my wife and people that we consider our friends. To me a man makes a commitment, keeps it. And fixes stuff, and cleans up filthy messes, and doesn't fill a garage and rooms with shit.
I hate that douchebag ex-husband of hers with every fiber of my being. I could never be like him.