Men who are physically strong are more likely to have right wing political views

My point is that I am orders of magnitude stronger than you, yet I have liberal veiws, desk jockey.

Your no “liberal” you’re a “leftist” and that makes you too fucking stupid to know the difference.

“Liberals” in any classical sense are loyal to the Bill Of Rights. “Leftist” are only loyal to “communism.”
Darned if I know... food stamps? but it's income-based, and 41% of recipients are white (as opposed to 36% who are African-American)

I don't know anything free that is based on race... but that's what people say when they want to race-bait.

That lie is an ongoing part of the GOP's long successful "southern strategy". It's one of the reasons white guys in the south started voting for the party of Lincoln... Cuz Honest Abe done left the buildin'.
Nothin' free there... Whatever your color, you still gotta work to earn a paycheck.

Try again... What is this "free stuff" supposedly given away to blacks that whites can't get any of?

I've stated "special privileges", of which AFF is. Wouldn't you agree?
Your no “liberal” you’re a “leftist” and that makes you too fucking stupid to know the difference.

“Liberals” in any classical sense are loyal to the Bill Of Rights. “Leftist” are only loyal to “communism.”
Angry little hate filled programmer
inadequate reparation.
Key word: forever. When should reparations end?

And shouldn't the reparations be paid by former slavers specifically, and the Democrat Party in general? Why should I, who's lineage in the US dates to 1865, and despises the Democrat Party and its former institutions, pay for their sins?
No one in democratic leadership is suggesting that AA go on forever. By your own admission, it was a GOP idea... You guys just want to end what you started earlier than you do.
And again, DY was trying to change the topic from "is AA a giveaway to black people" to "reparations in general".

If no good answer, he just moves to a new topic.

That's why I didn't bother responding.
Actually, it was you who broached that subject, here:

Wow. Well, I'll try one more time. You said (to paraphrase) that AA was a giveaway to black people We (to paraphrase) said it wasn't. You (to paraphrase) said what was it? I (to paraphrase ) said inadequate reparations.

you then tried to go off into a discussion of how long reparations should last and who should pay for them. That has nothing to do with "are African Americans getting free stuff" which was your initial argument.

So yes, you changed the subject.

And I don't like trolls who change the subject like that when their initial argument wasn't working. I'm sure in "real life" you're a warm loving person, but I don't like that troll-technique.

Therefore, I'm not going there.

Hope that makes sense. If not, I won't worry about it.
Wow. Well, I'll try one more time. You said (to paraphrase) that AA was a giveaway to black people We (to paraphrase) said it wasn't. You (to paraphrase) said what was it? I (to paraphrase ) said inadequate reparations.

you then tried to go off into a discussion of how long reparations should last and who should pay for them. That has nothing to do with "are African Americans getting free stuff" which was your initial argument.

So yes, you changed the subject.

And I don't like trolls who change the subject like that when their initial argument wasn't working. I'm sure in "real life" you're a warm loving person, but I don't like that troll-technique.

Therefore, I'm not going there.

Hope that makes sense. If not, I won't worry about it.
I think you're just confused.