Mentally Ill? Maybe the killer was just evil.

Originally Posted by Rune
A few years ago I had a job for a while.

We all had you pegged Rune!:rolleyes:

I own a business retard.
There are some things that are positive and some things are negative.But the concept of" good and evil" The powers of Light vs the powers of darkness is wholly a religious superstition .

No body said anything about "The powers of Light vs the powers of darkness"

Thats something you have to add to change the goalposts a little so you don't sound so absolutely stupid...

We were talking about 'good' and 'evil'....English words....words that have different than 'rich' and 'poor'.....or 'up' and 'down'.....

The only difference is, good and evil refer to behavior, or what is socially acceptable find behavior religious ?
I agree, but there is more to this story, like my father commented about that woman in TX that drove the car into the lake drowning her kids. His first statement when that was first on the news that she did it. There was an abnormal relationship between this mother and Lanza

Your comment is beyond the pale.
Correct. Is a lion 'evil' when he kills his prey?

Is any parasite 'evil' when they take over a host organism?
So, what are you saying? That mowing down 20 children is natural? Animals don't have reasoning ability.

Lanza knew what he was doing and did it by choice. He killed himself because he knew it was wrong and was too cowardly to face the consequences.
I agree, but there is more to this story, like my father commented about that woman in TX that drove the car into the lake drowning her kids. His first statement when that was first on the news that she did it. There was an abnormal relationship between this mother and Lanza

Apparently she never left him alone. While that may have been due to his request there is always the possibility she was 100% domineering. In any case I'm with you as far as saying the relationship was abnormal. That's as far as I care to speculate at the moment.