Merging the Forums (Poll)

Should the Current Events section be merged with General Politics?

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When the board first started I had more Forum Topics... Including Foreign and History. People said that it was too much. This was the compromise.... It seems to be working well right now.
LOL. It's not so specific... Deep Breathely. It's the stuff the least on this board will care about, therefore separated enough so people don't have to sort through an overly huge amount of dross to get to the meat.

LOL. OK then.

And now that I think of it, if we went with the plan I just proposed, we'd have to put a "current events" forum in also, which would soon become everyones dumping point for everything and social, economic, and foreign forums would soon become more pointless than even general politics is right now. Rob would also start posting his threads about ingrown toenails in it.
LOL. OK then.

And now that I think of it, if we went with the plan I just proposed, we'd have to put a "current events" forum in also, which would soon become everyones dumping point for everything and social, economic, and foreign forums would soon become more pointless than even general politics is right now. Rob would also start posting his threads about ingrown toenails in it.
I can't please everybody... So I work compromises. I've found it interesting how it all seems to work out. I'll watch the results and see how it goes. I'm always working to improve things. I don't think it would be all that awesome to shorten the topics more though... Maybe renaming the topics is a good idea. I've been trying to think of a good separation.
I agree with watermark regarding how it feels that it is redundant.. that's the bottom line.. right now... it IS redundant.

I'm not an idiot.. I KNOW how to navigate.. that's not the problem.. it's more on a subconscious level... when things aren't all laid out.. I just tend to just let a lot of threads slide. I am noticing the direct effect it is having on my posting.. it's real. It's like vote splitting but for topics. We could have one engagging thread but instead may have two or three shorter threads spread out that aren't as good . . .

Fullpolitics survived JUST fine with only one politics forum...

Perhaps damo, the solution would be to eventually have it so users can customize how threads could be displayed... I think that would be a great compromise to tell you the truth.
Yes this should absolutely be done. It's annoying trying to remember where you saw or did a post.
This was always the best thing about
LOL. You're a funny guy, Ornot. Just like vote-splitting makes it more likely you're candidate will get elected.
Actually, for once, I wasn't joking. I tend to categorize these things in my memory anyway. Formalizing it in this way just happens to fit the way I think.
Maybe you should rename them "politics", and "other politics".

Maybe he should name one Watermark's Whinefest, and we could all go there and tell him what he needs to do, to make the board better! Jeesh, you people make me fully understand why webmasters charge for subscriptions!

The only possible reason it would bother anyone, is navigation, and this is easily solved by going to "Today's Posts" where you will have all of the threads from all of the boards, if anyone posted on them. If you have some particular thread you want to bookmark, you can do that too! This board is full of user options, and those who want to find fault, are going to find fault with anything, it simply doesn't matter.
LOL. I'm looking for a way I can give y'all the choice. User options are my thing. If ya want everything to be in one big forum, you should have the choice if ya want it....