Merry Christmas!


Best for the holidays and all the year to come! :)
Things are getting a bit busy with Christmas rapidly approaching and all the obligations for work and family and the holidays, so before it's to late I wanted to pass on my best wishes to all the fine folks of JPP.

To those on the Right. A very merriest of Christmases.

To those on the Left. My hopes for the Happiest of Holidays.

To those in the Middle. Wise up you wish-washy fence straddlers!!

No, Just kidding, Just kidding! Peace and Blessings to those in the middle too.

A Very Merry Christmas to one and all, May God bless every one of you!!!! :)

And to you as well Hoopster!

To everyone else, however you choose to celebrate this time of year, may you find peace and happiness.
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Can anyone else hear those two poor dogs screaming "get these ridiculous hats off us"!!

LOL! Actually the Border Collie put up with it and even posed. The Aussie also put up with it but clearly it wasn't the highlight of his day! It only lasted about ten seconds each, and I haven't made them do it since. Poor guys! Here they even have a couple of doggy costume competitions (one at Halloween); I haven't the heart to get involved.
LOL! Actually the Border Collie put up with it and even posed. The Aussie also put up with it but clearly it wasn't the highlight of his day! It only lasted about ten seconds each, and I haven't made them do it since. Poor guys! Here they even have a couple of doggy costume competitions (one at Halloween); I haven't the heart to get involved.
Don't do it. Let the poor guys have their self-respect.
Don't do it. Let the poor guys have their self-respect.

Nah. Have you seen those e-mails with pics of costumed dogs at Halloween? Poor guys; those really are over the top! I don't go for the antlers either. Nice background and lots of treats and everybody's happy. :)
yes it does, go get a dictionary, you will STILL find "holy day" :pke:

If you go get a dictionary, it will give the definition of holiday, and then it will give you the etymology. There's a reason one's in the "definition" section and ones in the "etymology" section.
If you go get a dictionary, it will give the definition of holiday, and then it will give you the etymology. There's a reason one's in the "definition" section and ones in the "etymology" section. STILL means holy is described under etymology AND used as a modern day definition along with vacation or a day free from work

pm me, i will give you free lesson on how to read dictionaries