Message To Trump

We subscribe to capitalism. Why not privatize costs with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed?

You subscribe to capitalism. I KNOW it is a fucking joke that is criminal at best. Also, what if they charged every working American $200.00 more a year in taxes to cover universal health care. That comes out to having around $4.00 less in your pocket each week. If you can't afford it, just ask your boss for a $4.00 a week raise.
FYI: to any idiot leftist reading this thread. "Keynesian economics" is not free market captialism....its nothing but an attempt at "stealth" crony capitalism. Keynesian spending did not work in the 30's nor did it work beginning in 2009. Why? Because spending more money than you actually have in REAL WEALTH simply digs a deeper hole. That's the reason the US credit rating was reduced not once but twice, and 10 trillion dollars was wasted on political cronies over the past 8 years....resulting in a 19 trillion dollar credit card bill. What has Keynesian Economics produced in this nation? Nothing...either historically or recently....but more poverty, a reduced labor force, higher taxes, and societal anarchy. Don't believe that reality? Simply open your door if you live in any modern city being run by liberal politics.....its nothing short of insanity.
I think it is about better solutions at lower cost. We should be ensuring supply side economics supplies us with better governance at lower cost, not any public policies of "trickle down".

Since we allege to subscribe to Capitalism, why not simply solve for a simple poverty of money in our Institution of money based markets, on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

By solving for a simple poverty of capital, potential market participants may choose what health care products they can afford with their capital.

It is a good reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, and unemployment compensation at one dollar an hour equivalent less, simply for being unemployed, even in "Right to Work" States.

Universal healthcare could be accomplished by ensuring the People can circulate Capital under our form of Capitalism.

You sure do talk a load of CRAP! For example, your crap about a $15.00 dollar an hour wage. That would only cost inflation. Unless we did what Nixon did. Which was to impose a price freeze.

Getting down to the nitty gritty, universal health care and many other social programs require willing sacrifice on the part of both the wealthy and the poor. Such as there is in times of war. Without war, it requires both a sense of patriotism and a sense of community among the people. A multiethnic society is to those things like what Kryptonite is to Superman. To bring about patriotism and a sense of community, White separatism (not segregation) is the only way to go. Like it or not.
You sure do talk a load of CRAP! For example, your crap about a $15.00 dollar an hour wage. That would only cost inflation. Unless we did what Nixon did. Which was to impose a price freeze.

Getting down to the nitty gritty, universal health care and many other social programs require willing sacrifice on the part of both the wealthy and the poor. Such as there is in times of war. Without war, it requires both a sense of patriotism and a sense of community among the people. A multiethnic society is to those things like what Kryptonite is to Superman. To bring about patriotism and a sense of community, White separatism (not segregation) is the only way to go. Like it or not.

inflation happens regardless; not enough corporate raiding in it for you?
I see you are one of those tea party scumbuckets. I just started a new thread in the politics section that should give you fits. Care to read it? It is called, "Fascism? Your "freedoms" are a joke!" Can't wait to hear your reply.