cawacko is the one who is trolling.
All of the factors posted demonstrate that California has the most citizens in poverty of any state, but in terms of national ranking rests at above 18th or 19th in level of poverty as well as the same in quality of life.
cawacko is a Russ-assisted troll, and is game is falling apart.
You need to wake up and start having a closer look at the reality of California.
OK, so you current issue is "Quality of life". That's very difficult index to measure with statistics, because what I might call a poor quality of life and what you might call a poor quality of life could be very different and in lots of ways even though we both live in the advanced West (and are both probably average, middle-class males).
I'll illustrate my point about "quality of life" in California by using a celebrity that you should know, one who currently lives there. Do you remember the English Punk Rock band, "The Sex Pistols" who became a global sensation in 1975? The band's front man was a young guy called John Lydon, who called himself "Johnny Rotten. The "Sex Pistols" scandalised Great Britain in the 1970, personally insulting Her Majesty the Queen by releasing a sarcastic single called "God Save the Queen" (which was so offended the average Englishman that most record stores in London refused to offer the 45 rpm single for sale, also, if I remember correctly, one of the member of the "Sex Pistols" band was given a terrible thrashing by a member of the British publish after the later spotted him shopping in London) The bank preached political "Anarchy" to England's youth during a volatile period of time in the 1970s when Britain's economy was flat-lining due to an incompetent Labour administration. "The Sex-Pistols" were foul-mouthed, often appeared rolling drunk and vomiting in public, spat in the faces of television journalists trying to interview them, incited particularly violent brawls in nightclubs where they were performing and so on.
The "Sex Pistols" happened in England over 1975 and 1976 - they came and went rapidly, but they left a very large permanent imprint on the history Rock and Roll, because the created a new musical genre - "Punk" (I
know that the credit for this should , strictly speaking, go to the Ramones, but this post isn't an article for "Rolling Stone Magazine). To give you an idea, if you ask any average 18 year old kid, "Do you know who the Sex Pistols were"? They'll say "Yes"; and they might even have a copy of one of "the Pistols" old vinyl albums. Anyway the point is this, namely that John Lydon is a music industry celebrity who had a lot of money, and when he retired he married a lady who was a publishing heir, so they could afford a nice place to live.
In deciding where he would retire, John Lydon (who is English by birth), like many wealthy celebrities and music industry executives decided that a swanky part of Los Angeles would be ideal; and one of the most sunny, delightful and exclusive suburbs of LA is Venice Beach which is where he and his wife bought their mansion.
Last year, however, John Lydon, was appalled when a group of homeless indigents crawled over the fence around his mansion an began to set up an encampment of tents directly opposite his front door. He was shocked , he told a reporter by the sheer "effrontery" of these people. "Who do they think they are, setting up tents on my property" said the enraged Lydon (sounding, ironically like a crotchety old Conservative counsellor, than a wild-man who had once exhorted an entire nation's youth to rise up in "
Shortly before this incident with the a tents, a brick had come hurtling through an upper window in his mansion and startled his wife, who is in poor health ( with moderate Altzheimer's Syndrome) and was severely distressed by the whole episode and the angry - looking crowds of homeless that were often drifting about outside the mansion. John Lydon finally lost his temper and called the police (LAPD) one night when a group of indigent youths began tearing bars and windows off his mansion
Lydon continued telling the reported that the vagrants who had arrived in Venice Beach "moved
en-masse"" and that they were "aggressive" and lived in "tent cities". He aslso said that there was noiw now a problem with indigents "Defecating and urinating" on sidewalk, which , he said, he found "utterly disgusting." As for Venice Beach itself, Lydon said he feared to invite friends there, because " there's an awful lot of them( the indigent/homeless) together there, they're gang-y. And the heroin spikes (needles)...You can't take any kids to the beach because there're jabs just waiting for them to put their feet in - and POO all over the sand "! Lydon also mentioned that it was not possible to swim in the ocean off Venice beach and large pieces of poop were always floating in the water. Lydon also went on to raise an environmental concern about the health of local sea mammals like seals who are now swimming in water festooned with turds - YUK !!
So... Venice Beach can be seen as microcosm of California. California is now pretty much a Third World state. One uniform feature of Third World states is that there are only two classes in society and not three. In California there are only two socioeconomic classes: the poor (many of whom are illegal and legal Mexican migrants,who are unemployed, welfare recipients, on Food Stamps, etc) and the super-rich (Silicon Valley) A big city in the advanced West (e.g. the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, etc) tends to have a tripartite economic structure (1) poor/working class; then, above this,(2) an (upper and lower) middle class and at the very top of the hierarchy, (3) an elite minority of very wealthy/rich people. In California the middle classes, ( people like the small business owners, teachers, mid-level bureaucrats and the retired) have over the past two decades increasing been escaping California in droves to more tax-friendly, business -friendly and less crime-ridden US states like: Nevada; Arizona; Texas and Florida. To sum it up, it is hard to deny that California has now become a Third World State - people don't like to hear it, but it's true. It is kinda scary and uncanny to see California, which was in the 1960, an advanced, Western first world success story now morphing into a medieval type society in Anglo-Saxon England where the wealthy Royalty, the Barons and the Knights are all placed in the top, most exclusive and wealthy level of society and everyone else is treated like pheasants. Perhaps I should be more candid and say "
treated like shit", because that IS how they were treated.
Just like medieval societies were vulnerable to outbreaks of lethal, infectious diseases like typhus, cholera and the plague as a consequence of the filthy living conditions of the lower class serfs and Co. Los Angeles has has recent outbreaks of typus, (a medieval disease) that must have shocked the cities doctors. Though when you have 11 million poor immigrants in your state, many with no where to live, it is not surprising that they shit all over the sidewalks of cities like LA and San Francisco. The problem is that
no one really likes having to clean up human poo, let's face it:
HUMAN POO IS REVOLTING !! - but if all this shit that has been dropped on the streets and side-walks of California is not completely cleaned up
ASAP, it will cause populations of fleas, lice, cockroaches and rats to soar out of control. If you know your history you will remember that the plague that very quickly killed a third of the population of London in 1665 was carried by FLEAS that were piggy-backing in the fur of rats. The plague ("Black Death") still exists, BTW, there are cases of it detected around the world every year. If I picked up the paper one morning and read "
2000 infected with THE PLAGUE in LA !!", it would hardly surprise me.
Finally, what really DOES shock me is how California's "lame duck" Governor, Gavin ("Moonshine") Newsome and the state's, limp-wristed, spineless liberal-progressive Democratic legislature know about all of this: the shit-covered streets, the typhus out-breaks, the Medieval Rich/poor class structure, the sky-high sales/business/gasoline/income taxes (highest in the USA), the completely broken public schooling system, the high crime rates, and so on. Basically what a
SHIT-HOLE they have turned California into. But they just don't care, they could give a toss, because their power base is now assured. Go ask any of their castrated, powerless, Republican colleagues.
If I were Trump, I would go to California tomorrow and say,
"Well we've got a real problem in this state with immigrants from south of the border, folks, and as much as I dislike having to make this difficult announcement, I must tell you that all Hispanic and Latino person who are currently in this state illegally, now have 10 days to permanently remove themselves from US soil. Failing this, they will identified and forcibly removed by the Army. Also, because of the unexpected, negative effects of Hispanic and Latino migration into the State of California, all legal Hispanic and Latin immigrants will also now be required to to leave the United States permanently within 30 days.