Michael & his man wish you Happy Pride Month

When I said "conservative," I was referring to traditional conservative views on homosexuality. I didn't mean that every Conservative is the same. Don't be so defensive.
American Conservatives are actually pretty liberal when it comes to the gays now.

You have your own definition of conservative that seems to change depending on the issue. Yet mine is and has always been the same. We conservatives revere the Founding Documents; the Constitution as written in plain language, and the ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence.
You have your own definition of conservative that seems to change depending on the issue. Yet mine is and has always been the same. We conservatives revere the Founding Documents; the Constitution as written in plain language, and the ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence.

Cool, but I'm talking about culturally conservative countries. And like I said, American Conservatives are pretty liberal when compared to those other countries.
Yes. And I'm saying that kids are safer in gay-friendly countries than they are in anti-gay traditionalist conservative countries.

So exactly what do you disagree with here?

As I said many posts ago, a better correlation is conservative Christian values v. Islamic and other values.
As I said many posts ago, a better correlation is conservative Christian values v. Islamic and other values.

Well countries based on conservative Christian values are similar. Look at how poorly Nigeria and Russia place on the list when compared to the secular Enlightenment countries.
Well countries based on conservative Christian values are similar. Look at how poorly Nigeria and Russia place on the list when compared to the secular Enlightenment countries.

Look at how poorly Islamic countries fair over ones founded based on Christian values.
Look at how poorly Islamic countries fair over ones founded based on Christian values.

According to the chart, some do better, some do worse. But it's besides the point. The point is that the safest countries for kids are all tolerant of homosexuality. So the fear-mongering that allowing gays to get married and adopt children would lead to an acceptance of child molestation turned out to be wrong.

You should be happy. Those two girls in your avatar can continue grabbing each other's boobs, and no children will be harmed.
Y O U posted a pic of a man in drag as an insult.

Y O U said what homosexuals do is "disgusting."

Where is your tolerance and inclusive acceptance?


:rolleyes: RIF, leggiecrite. Your comment about Michelle was disgusting. I don't care what genuine gay people do in the bedroom.
RIF, leggiecrite. Your comment about Michelle was disgusting. I don't care what genuine gay people do in the bedroom.


You keep telling yourself that. Then again, I suppose you're showing your own hate for Michael and trannies so you think everyone else thinks the same.

According to the chart, some do better, some do worse. But it's besides the point. The point is that the safest countries for kids are all tolerant of homosexuality. So the fear-mongering that allowing gays to get married and adopt children would lead to an acceptance of child molestation turned out to be wrong.

You should be happy. Those two girls in your avatar can continue grabbing each other's boobs, and no children will be harmed.

Islamist countries are not tolerant of homosexuality. Unless you think tossing gays off of buildings is tolerance.

If my avatar offends you then that's your problem.
Islamist countries are not tolerant of homosexuality. Unless you think tossing gays off of buildings is tolerance.

No shit. That's how we know your theory is wrong. Gay-friendly countries are safe for children, homophobic countries like the Islamist ones are not.

If my avatar offends you then that's your problem.

It doesn't offend me at all. I'm not homophobic.
Which blows your position out of the water.

My position is that acceptance of homosexuality will not lead to acceptance of child molestation.
So how does this blow my position out of the water? Gay-friendly countries are safer for children than anti-gay countries.