Michael Jackson's Finances at Time of his Death


Well-known member
Wow, according to local paper today he was in debt $400 million when he died. That's racking up some seriously impressive debt. It sure seems he lived a truly extravagent lifestyle. I have no idea if that kind of debt had anything to do with his failing health but I wouldn't think it would help.
imo, his surgeries had a great deal to do with his death.....

whether he actually molested kids or not, is up to debate. he was found innocent by a jury of his peers in santa maria 2005. like it or not, he was found innocent.....
imo, his surgeries had a great deal to do with his death.....

whether he actually molested kids or not, is up to debate. he was found innocent by a jury of his peers in santa maria 2005. like it or not, he was found innocent.....

I guess maybe it's not beyond a reasonable doubt. I don't know enough about the case to comment beyond that. The guy in question may have just been looking for an excuse to land a huge suit.
imo, his surgeries had a great deal to do with his death.....

whether he actually molested kids or not, is up to debate. he was found innocent by a jury of his peers in santa maria 2005. like it or not, he was found innocent.....

Apparently before he passed, he looked like a skeleton and death itself. Where were his parents all that time? They didn't live that far from him.
Wow, according to local paper today he was in debt $400 million when he died. That's racking up some seriously impressive debt. It sure seems he lived a truly extravagent lifestyle. I have no idea if that kind of debt had anything to do with his failing health but I wouldn't think it would help.
The fool spent money in ways that a normal human being can't imagine. Then there was the surgeries and the legal bills, plus the millions he paid his boy-victims to STFU.
Wow, according to local paper today he was in debt $400 million when he died. That's racking up some seriously impressive debt. It sure seems he lived a truly extravagent lifestyle. I have no idea if that kind of debt had anything to do with his failing health but I wouldn't think it would help.

One has to be very rich to owe that much money ;)
no assets? its said that he has over 100 songs recorded for his kids that have never been released.. id say they will be all set.
imo, his surgeries had a great deal to do with his death.....

whether he actually molested kids or not, is up to debate. he was found innocent by a jury of his peers in santa maria 2005. like it or not, he was found innocent.....

Wow a "lawyer" proclaiming that someone can be found "innocent." This is about the first thing they teach you in any law class. This is pretty fucking good evidence that you're either the worst attorney ever or not an attorney at all.
Wow a "lawyer" proclaiming that someone can be found "innocent." This is about the first thing they teach you in any law class. This is pretty fucking good evidence that you're either the worst attorney ever or not an attorney at all.

The legal standard is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. It's not wrong to take a position on whether he whether or not it's more likely he committed the crime than not; we're not a jury.
The legal standard is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. It's not wrong to take a position on whether he whether or not it's more likely he committed the crime than not; we're not a jury.

he is being a whiney bitch because i used common vernacular "found innocent" vs the technically correct "found not guilty"...apparently ib1 is an obsessed law and order follower and believes i must be technically proper in all things legal when i post here....

ib1 is a homo tool
he is being a whiney bitch because i used common vernacular "found innocent" vs the technically correct "found not guilty"...apparently ib1 is an obsessed law and order follower and believes i must be technically proper in all things legal when i post here....

ib1 is a homo tool

Considering lawyers make a living on the use and manipulation of precise language (and the first bit of precision they teach you in law school is that courts don't find people "innocent"), you have to be about the most useless lawyer ever.
Considering lawyers make a living on the use and manipulation of precise language (and the first bit of precision they teach you in law school is that courts don't find people "innocent"), you have to be about the most useless lawyer ever.

i don't come to this board to practice law and i don't practice criminal law. why you obsessively bring up my profession is a mystery....or maybe it is just that you and maineman are sharing my PM's and now sharing insults about my profession. i never brought my profession here, maineman did. i don't post here to be a lawyer poster, i post for fun....

you need to get a life and find something actually worthwhile to bitch about instead of obsessing over whether i use a common idiom vs the technically correct term on a political messageboard....

so what do you do for a living? other than travel up maineman's ass....

and for the record stupid....the jury said he was innocent, that you find this tiny irrelevent tecnical error to be any indication of my ability as a lawyer shows you are nothing more than a pitiful hack with no life
Wow, according to local paper today he was in debt $400 million when he died. That's racking up some seriously impressive debt. It sure seems he lived a truly extravagent lifestyle. I have no idea if that kind of debt had anything to do with his failing health but I wouldn't think it would help.

I read today that his mother wants the court to appoint her administratrix. That seems strange, surely the man had a will.
From what I read MJ still owns the rights to the Beatles songs. The value of these songs? Estimates run as high as $1 billion.

MJ had $400 million in debt to creditors. He was not broke. He would just have had to sell stuff he didn't want to sell. Now it will be auctioned.