Michael Jackson's Finances at Time of his Death

From what I read MJ still owns the rights to the Beatles songs. The value of these songs? Estimates run as high as $1 billion.

MJ had $400 million in debt to creditors. He was not broke. He would just have had to sell stuff he didn't want to sell. Now it will be auctioned.
I think that the Jackson Family will use proceeds to buy Neverland and make it into a Graceland shrine for MJ, thus in death he will fund his family for generations.
He was far from broke, He owned a lot more music that just the Beatles.

His personal life seemed as sad and pathetic as his public life was uncontested in it's stardom.
Wow, according to local paper today he was in debt $400 million when he died. That's racking up some seriously impressive debt. It sure seems he lived a truly extravagent lifestyle. I have no idea if that kind of debt had anything to do with his failing health but I wouldn't think it would help.

I read that his assets are estimated at up to $1B.

But honestly I think I'd be more impressed if he had no assets and managed to rake up $400m in debt and not have to pay any of it back.

That's awesome.
I read today that wall street investment firms are lining up with claims against the estate. Apparently several of them had invested 10's of millions in MJ.
I read today that wall street investment firms are lining up with claims against the estate. Apparently several of them had invested 10's of millions in MJ.

I expect then that the next step will be Obama pressing for the government to bail out Jackson's estate.....