Michael Vick and Dog Fighting


Well-known member
Those are some disturbing allogations. Wetting dogs then electrocuting them? He is in serious trouble.
I hope they put them all in jail for a good long time. These sound like true psychopaths to me.

"While the Falcons and the NFL said little Tuesday, John Goodwin of the Humane Society of the United States said the details were especially troubling.

About eight young dogs were put to death at the Surry County home after they were found not ready to fight in April 2007, the indictment said. They were killed “by hanging, drowning and/or slamming at least one dog’s body to the ground.”

“Some of the grisly details in these filings shocked even me, and I’m a person who faces this stuff every day,” Goodwin said. “I was surprised to see that they were killing dogs by hanging them, and one dog was killed by slamming it to the ground. Those are extremely violent methods of execution — they’re unnecessary and just sick.”

Purses for the fights ranged from hundreds of dollars to the thousands, and participants and spectators often placed side bets on the outcome, according to the indictment.

I am going to go look for a story about this.


This is the real beauty...

"""The government's case includes evidence that Vick and his cohorts "tested" pit bulls for ferocity. If the dogs failed the test, the indictment charges, they were executed by hanging or drowning. In one case, with Vick present, the indictment says a dog was slammed to the ground until it was dead. In another incident, a dog was soaked with a hose, then electrocuted."""

Michael Vick is the second highest paid player in the NFL with over a $100 million contract.

This is the real beauty...

"""The government's case includes evidence that Vick and his cohorts "tested" pit bulls for ferocity. If the dogs failed the test, the indictment charges, they were executed by hanging or drowning. In one case, with Vick present, the indictment says a dog was slammed to the ground until it was dead. In another incident, a dog was soaked with a hose, then electrocuted."""

Michael Vick is the second highest paid player in the NFL with over a $100 million contract.

I wonder if he will get away with it, because he has a fortune to spend on lawyers.
I don't even want to read the story, animal cruelty is terrible.

Vick should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law for his crimes.
I wonder if he will get away with it, because he has a fortune to spend on lawyers.

Check out the article link I posted, the author talks about just that. It doesn't look like his chances are good (of getting off).

The author even makes reference to your favorite, Libby (not getting off). :)
I doubt that he'll get away with this one. It seems that the evidence is pretty overwhelming (they declined to indict him until just now) and there's been too much publicity. I don't think that anyone but his close friends will think there's anything acceptable about what he did. Nothing.

In cases like this I'd love to see the punishment be that whatever someone did to the dog (or cat, or horse, etc.) be done to them.
If the allegations are true, the dude deserves jail time.

You'd have to find a jury where no one owns a dog or probably any other type animal.

The dog fighting is bad enough but the way they killed the dogs on top of it just leaves no room for sympathy.
For some reason animal cruelty effects me even more than human cruelty.

Well, they are completely helpless. It's a really sick mind to do something like that, but, judges are much wiser to this kind of thing today. They put these guys away, because they know what it means.
Well, they are completely helpless. It's a really sick mind to do something like that, but, judges are much wiser to this kind of thing today. They put these guys away, because they know what it means.

Children and the elderly, they also get me in a big way, too. I guess it is those creatures I see, as you said, being completely helpless...
Children and the elderly, they also get me in a big way, too. I guess it is those creatures I see, as you said, being completely helpless...
Yeah, the stories here recently about that kid that was starved to death by his parents made me sick...