Michael Vick and Dog Fighting

Oh I hate stories like that Damo, they seem to stick with you for a long time too. It's hard to get them out of your head.
I have a natural inclination to attempt to wrap my mind around it, to figure out the motive behind it. One kid well-fed and well cared for, the other stuck in a closet until he died of heart failure from extreme starvation? WTF?

I won't be able to do it and the sooner my psyche realizes this the sooner I'll be free of the dirt I feel when thinking of it.
I have a natural inclination to attempt to wrap my mind around it, to figure out the motive behind it. One kid well-fed and well cared for, the other stuck in a closet until he died of heart failure from extreme starvation? WTF?

I won't be able to do it and the sooner my psyche realizes this the sooner I'll be free of the dirt I feel when thinking of it.

I hadn't heard about that, that is beyond comprehension. I wonder if there were a God, would he give children to people like that? That is one of the reasons I have always doubted, believe me.
I hadn't heard about that, that is beyond comprehension. I wonder if there were a God, would he give children to people like that? That is one of the reasons I have always doubted, believe me.
I believe we have a say in whom we select as parents. There was a reason this kid selected those alien beings, hard lesson indeed.

Is it because the soul thought it needed the lesson?

This lime of belief has always intrigued me.
For some reason animal cruelty effects me even more than human cruelty.

In movies I definitely feel that way. If something is about to happen to the dog, I'm heart broken, if some poor schmuck gets his head torn off, I'm all giggles.
In movies I definitely feel that way. If something is about to happen to the dog, I'm heart broken, if some poor schmuck gets his head torn off, I'm all giggles.

Given your proffessed hostility towards the feline community, how would you react to cat torture and mutilation?

In movies I definitely feel that way. If something is about to happen to the dog, I'm heart broken, if some poor schmuck gets his head torn off, I'm all giggles.

Me too. Well, maybe not giggles, but usually I don't have nearly the same level of sympathy for the human.
Given your proffessed hostility towards the feline community, how would you react to cat torture and mutilation?


I'd get up and give the film an immediate standing ovation of course. Then I'd write the writer and director and tell them of my appreciation.
Still trying to train my cats to shoot. Not so good with paintball guns yet though....
But once I get a few trained they will train millions. Jersey is our first target.