Michelle Obama: Black people don’t trust politics because the Republican Party is...

Michelle like her husband is so yesterday do we really want to give her airtime.
And I for one even proposed we cut her some slack, going through life hiding her transgender rather than embracing it is a sign of mental anguish, not to be taken lightly. lets not push
her buttons

“all white men”


The Republican party has PLENTY of women, blacks, etc. Moochelle - did you ever hear of Ben Carson, Michael Steele, Clarence Thomas, Allen West, Mia Love, Walter Williams, Larry Elder, Herman Cain, Carly Fiorina, Conodleeza Rice, Nikki Haley, or Thomas Sowell?

Michelle IS a man -- IT IS a partial transsexual. Joan Rivers revealed that fact on TV, and 2 months later she was ... DEAD!!! She was killed by a man who was not her doctor. The jews put Obama in office because he was HIGHLY corruptible. He would do ANYTHING that the jews wanted him to do. Homosexual "marriage" was allowed under the Obama regime. Obama was the WORST and most stupid president that America has ever had.

'Men' is used a bit loosely when we are talking about Republicans. Even 'humans' would be pushing it
Lost what? We've been winning everything, going as far back as the civil war. Remember that, when we Republican freed your slaves? Your side was so pissed that they started the Klu Klux Klan.

Why don't run along now, maybe go burn a cross in your own damn yard for a change.

its not the labels that matter you stupid fucking racist

its the ideas

the republicans are now the racist party

you know how one can tell?

Black, brown, red and yellow voters refuse to support or vote republican in massive numbers.

to pretend the Democratic party which is run by all colors of Americans is the racist party is completely fucking insane you stupid racist

only racists are stupid enough to buy such an idiot claim

you racists are really stupid though

Its why you are racists
Michelle like her husband is so yesterday do we really want to give her airtime.
And I for one even proposed we cut her some slack, going through life hiding her transgender rather than embracing it is a sign of mental anguish, not to be taken lightly. lets not push
her buttons


she is a chick and was born one

she is your future asshole

women who can kick your pasty fucking dickless ass with one hand tied behind her back

crackers like you crumble really easy
dear fucking idiot racist,

it is now 2017

things have changed even if your shit has ANY validity.

now all the Americans of color hate the republican party due to its racist stances

Fuck you very much

The Americans of color that hate the Republican party do so based on one primary issue. Social welfare. Republicans don't support handing them someone else's money and Democrats do. That's why Lyndon Johnson knew he'd have them voting Democratic for the next 200 years and they've obliged for 50 so far.
never ever again can you claim you are not a racist

start being proud of your racism

no one else is
Only a racist would claim that Republicans are racist.

exsplain that stupid statement

if the vast majority of people of color are helping run the democratic party and none are allowed to run the republican party or ever want to vote for it how does your claim make any sense?
Michele is right. The Republican Party is ruled by angry old white men and there is no reason they should trust them
exsplain that stupid statement

if the vast majority of people of color are helping run the democratic party and none are allowed to run the republican party or ever want to vote for it how does your claim make any sense?

It's very, very simple, but you still probably won't get it because stupid racists are stupid.

Democrats call Republicans racist because they're too damn stupid to realize that nobody's buying it. Smart people understand the democrat's history of racism. If your people would have picked their own cotton you wouldn't have to put up with the black people whom you hate so much.