Michigan is criminalizing opinions

Hate crimes bill passes the Michigan House; Republicans voice concerns over speech

Michigan can now censor you if you hurt someone's feelings

Michigan House OKs new hate crime, institutional desecration penalties

New MI law can make hurting someone’s feelings punishable by up to 5 years in prison

So yes, Michigan is codifying into law that if you hurt someone's feelings with speech, you have committed a felony and can go to prison for years.

Which is in direct violation of the Michigan State constitution Article I, $5.
I would agree with you if they were punishing pure speech. I had not read the proposed law until you posted it. This law does not appear to punish speech but actions--intimidation, causing bodily injury, using force or violence..........

It does not make hate speech illegal. It makes already criminal conduct a hate crime. Hate crime and hate speech are not the same.

"[FONT="]intimidates or harasses another individual; causes bodily injury or severe mental anguish to another individual; uses force or violence on another individual; damages, destroys, or defaces any real, personal, digital, or online property of another individual; or threatens, by word or act, to do any of the above-described actions, if the person, regardless of the existence of any other motivating factors, [/FONT]intentionally targets the individual or engages in the action based in whole or in part on any of the following actual or perceived characteristics of another individual:"

All of the above refer to acts, not speech (except maybe the threat portion).

You know, you really should at least read the bill before making a stupid post like this.
Illegal to hurt someone's feelings?
That sounds like legislation passed in Florida and Texas and Arkansas and Oklahoma and Idaho and .....

Throwing you in jail if you disagree with them just like a banana republic
That sounds like legislation passed in Florida and Texas and Arkansas and Oklahoma and Idaho and .....

Specify. Please refer to the so-called law you are claiming these States have that do this.
More hyperbolic bullshit from the right. The law, in part, reads “a “willful course of conduct, involving repeated or continuing harassment of another individual that would cause a reasonable individual to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested.”

Key words - willful, repeated, continuous and (very important) reasonable person.

So, here’s the simple solution, morons.


Go read the bill, dumbass. It's Michigan House Bill 4474.
Well, apparently in Michigan they do. I suspect that sort of law will now crop up in other blue states as well.

And in every single one that does, they will be violating their constitution. Every State constitution has a clause similar to Michigan's Article I, $5.
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Sure they do. They are guiding beacons for the Democrats.
Spanky thinks this idiot is a Democrat:
