"Middle Class" and "Working Family"


Well-known member
Is there a definition for the "middle class" and "working family"? Everyone knows what the "middle class" is but how do we define it? How do we know when someone has left the "middle class" and joined the "upper middle class" or left the "middle class" and joined the "lower middle class"?
Is there a definition for the "middle class" and "working family"? Everyone knows what the "middle class" is but how do we define it? How do we know when someone has left the "middle class" and joined the "upper middle class" or left the "middle class" and joined the "lower middle class"?

It all depends on which spinning pundit you listen to.

Yes, you two are meant to be together. :)

I am well aware google exists. I want to know what people here think, hence yours truly asking the question on this board.

If the middle class is shrinking why is that? Is it because more people are rising in the ranks or because more people are fallilng in the ranks?

Even a loose definition of middle class will help with that assesment.
Main article: American middle class
Today in the US there are multiple theories as to what constitutes the middle class. As the vast majority of Americans identify as being middle class, the term has been used to describe people from all walks of life, from janitors to attorneys.[1][2] As a result the middle class is often sub-divided into two or three groups. While one set of theories claim that the middle class is composed of those in the middle of the social strata, other theories maintain that professionals and managers who have a college degree make up most of the middle class.[3] In 2005 roughly 35% of Americans worked in the professional/professional support or managerial field and 27% had a college degree.[4] Sociologists such as Dennis Gilbert or Joseph Hickey argue that the middle class is divided into two sub-groups. The upper middle class consists of white collar professionals with advanced educations and constitutes roughly 15% of the population. In 2005 the top 15% of income earners (age 25+) had incomes exceeding $62,500.[5] The lower middle class (or middle-middle class for those who divide the middle class into three segments) consists of other mostly white collar employees with less autonomy in their work, lower educational attainment, lower personal income and less prestige than those of the upper middle class. Sociologists such as Dennis Gilbert, James Henslin, William Thompson and Joseph Hickey have brought forth class models in which the middle class is divided into two sections which combine to represent 47% to 49% of the population.[6][7][8] Economist Michael Zweig defines class as power relationships among the members of a society, rather than as a lifestyle or by income. [9] Zweig says that the middle class is only about 34% of the U.S. population, typically employed as managers, supervisors, small business owners and other professional people.
It is because "Middle Class" was redefined after a President promised never to raise taxes on the "Middle Class", therefore previously "Middle Class" families were suddenly "Upper Class" and were taxed in an upward fashion rather than remaining the same as promised.
The definition of "middle class" is arbitrary, which is why you get so many differing opinions. Personally, I take it as the middle 50% (which to me makes sense). Take the median income (which is the middle) then take 25% of the population on one side and 25% on the other. That is your middle class. Then you have lower income class as the bottom quartile and the top income class which is the top quartile.
Yes, you two are meant to be together. :)

I am well aware google exists. I want to know what people here think, hence yours truly asking the question on this board.

If the middle class is shrinking why is that? Is it because more people are rising in the ranks or because more people are fallilng in the ranks?

Even a loose definition of middle class will help with that assesment.

I don't think it's a matter of what people here think though. I'm not sure there is any set dollar amount that puts you in the middle class.
Yes, you two are meant to be together. :)

I am well aware google exists. I want to know what people here think, hence yours truly asking the question on this board.

If the middle class is shrinking why is that? Is it because more people are rising in the ranks or because more people are fallilng in the ranks?

Even a loose definition of middle class will help with that assesment.

It mainly depends on whether you use avg income or avg wages....
To me those two class distinctions are probably differentiated by education and background, with income overlapping.

For instance, a roofer may make over $100k per year, but is 'working class.' The middle manager at the geeks on call office may make a $100k, but is 'middle class.'
In twenty years or so...

there will no longer be a Middle Class...there will be a Upper Class and a Lower Class...If we continue down the road we are going with insourcing cheap labor...outsourcing manufacturing jobs and uncontrolled illegal immigration...so all of you arguing that the economy is so great hold onto your hats...you will soon be Lower Class...unless you were born with a 'Silver Spoon' in your proverbial mouths...'Back to the Future' The new Roman Empire!
there will no longer be a Middle Class...there will be a Upper Class and a Lower Class...If we continue down the road we are going with insourcing cheap labor...outsourcing manufacturing jobs and uncontrolled illegal immigration...so all of you arguing that the economy is so great hold onto your hats...you will soon be Lower Class...unless you were born with a 'Silver Spoon' in your proverbial mouths...'Back to the Future' The new Roman Empire!

Darn! I fully agree with that.
Good one BB.
Just will be haves and have nots.
battleax, the least educated in business person agree's with you. Must be something in the denture grip.
The economy is so good as follows.
We have more classes. ie Ubber rich- billionaires a shit load of them
very rich - 10mm and over about a million of em
upper middle class- 1mm and up 8 million and climbing
Middle Class 70,000 household income to 200,000 about 50 mm
lower middle - 45,000 to 70,000 about 50mm
migrant us job stealing workers 20,000 t0 45,000 12 million and climbing
anybody not getting rich is either not trying or they road the little yellow bus to school.