"Middle Class" and "Working Family"


No but listen up to the Master
Don't not do it cause everyone can, YOU CAN!!!

Uhhh toppy...read again what I said...you are living in the age of IOU's...looks good on paper right now...kinda akin to eating Ice Cream...taste mighty good,but it damn sure melts fast! In twenty years you will be down in the sewer with the rest of us former Middle Class...serving the likes of Caligula's Roman Empire!
your an idiot, in twently years I'll be in the next category up and you'll be worm food.
WE are by far the top economy and the distance is growing not shrinking.
If top is not killed in the upcoming oil riots for working for big oil.....
Remember sheeple stampede easially.
What are the oil riots going to do?
How will topper be able to tell the difference from regular illegal immigrants mowing his lawn and Hugo terrorist sneaking accross the border from their axis of evil ?

Ohh when it gets too high or in short supply the idiot sheeple will rebel against the oil companies. I know it makes no real sense, but sheeple have little sense.
Wait and see, you will live to see it.
US you have the IQ of a dishrag

Perhaps, but I also have a pocket full of money :)

And only work if I want to. My old company begged me to stay on call for a few weeks at $75 per hour.

I could not refuse that offer. Don't even have to go thru a contracting firm....I am an authorized contractor with them now.
actually I never lived in a trailer. But thought about getting a motor home and decided against it.
I am just not elitist, I look at the person not their finiancial situation to judge them by.
You and Rob should become a couple Spinner you are both elitists and love status stuff.
LOL education matters most to the dumbest ones, we more brillaint ones can pick it up on our own better.

$75 an hour baby :)

And I made the deal on the final piece of my investment property Monday :)

Can you say set for life ?
good for you, you don't even understand the forces that allowed you to get rich. And that is my overriding repetetive preaching, it's soo easy even a dumbass like USC can do it. Now how bad off are we again mister high school education rich boy?

good for you, you don't even understand the forces that allowed you to get rich. And that is my overriding repetetive preaching, it's soo easy even a dumbass like USC can do it. Now how bad off are we again mister high school education rich boy?

and where did USC ever say he was a 'Rich Boy'..I think this is another one of your jealous fantasies!..Get the drift???
luck and timing was what got me comfortable. I have watched many people chase the rich dream and keep going bust.

Just try and have a good life, don't waste it trying to become rich.
but do get a good education it will sure help to make life go better.

I still do not want the rich affluent lifestyle, but it is nice to not have to worry about money.
I have had a good pocket full of money for a while now and still drive a 17 yr old car....
Money is to make things mor comfortable not to worship.
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