Wrong shit-for-brains; poor people are a relatively small minority in this country. You might be correct if you lived in some third world shit-hole; which is where Liberals want to take us with their economic stupidity.
There would be NO MARKET if there were NO JOB creators you dunce. Was there a market for the Apple Macintosh when Jobs decided he could make a better computer? NO. It was CREATED by the entrepreneur who THOUGHT people would want it and believed in it, risked everything and slaved 24/7 to make it happen.
You don't wait for a market to pop up you cretin; you CREATE it by RISKING your wealth by INVESTING it in, and PRODUCING a product. If not for the banks and wealthy investors who are willing to risk capital for a return, MOST wouldn’t even have a job and the Government/dishonest politicians couldn’t afford to pander to ignorant dunces promising them something for nothing to stay elected.
You, as are so many others on this forum of leftist partisan persuasion, are another illiterate twit who never studied economics but pretends he knows what he is talking about while looking painfully stupid. You epitomize the low information dunces that voted for a dimwit like Obama.
You really are THAT fucking stupid.
Wrong shit for brains. 80% of the population is affected by poverty at the moment. That's 250 million people, or 80% you ignorant hack You really are that stupid and dishonest.
You don't need any job creaters to make a market for food for 315 million people idiot.