Mike Pence..."If Trump does it, I gotta do it too!"

I'll make a deal with you......you stop posting ridiculous stuff and I'll stop slapping you upside the head for being stupid.......

You know what is shocking? You may be that damn stupid. When i first got on this board I was open to respectful debate. But there are so many on this board, you among them that throw out a line of Republican crap and pretend is is profound. You are not much different that Truth Deflector but he also commits the sin of filling a page full of crap with his one liners of ignorance. At least you don't waste as much room or even bother fleshing out an argument. Odd, the brevity of your ignorance is your highest quality of discussion. I would shudder to have you try an exp[lain anything. Just throw out a insult and be on your way.