Mike Pence is exactly the wrong guy for this job ...

"(CNN)With America confronting a public health challenge over the coronavirus, President Donald Trump is again playing the denial game and, unhelpfully, has tapped Vice President Mike Pence -- a man who has repeatedly demonstrated his anti-science predilection -- to lead the government response."

Actually he's the right guy for the job for Trump because he can assign blame on him when SHTF.
Actually he's the right guy for the job for Trump because he can assign blame on him when SHTF.

Pence will claim 'Coronavirus is God's Will'.
Then, will begin to ramble on that it is meant to kill Homos, Queers, Gays, Lesbian Dykes, and Drag Queens.
Then, PMP will rally his Jesus Freaks and they will all begin chanting "Death to the Drag Queens" ... "Death to the Lesbian Dykes" ... "Kill the Queers" ...

I have a feeling this is not going to end well. :(
Pence will claim 'Coronavirus is God's Will'.
Then, will begin to ramble on that it is meant to kill Homos, Queers, Gays, Lesbian Dykes, and Drag Queens.
Then, PMP will rally his Jesus Freaks and they will all begin chanting "Death to the Drag Queens" ... "Death to the Lesbian Dykes" ... "Kill the Queers" ...

I have a feeling this is not going to end well. :(

I think Pence is better than that but you may be right. Some retarded Fundies are known for that.
Hes not being put in a lab, hes managing the process.

You boys really need to stop this kneejerk response shit. Makes you look stupid.
Hes not being put in a lab

I'd say the corona virus isn't half of what caused the market to tank. It was listening to the dumbshit in charge appointing a blithering idiot to be in charge of handling it. That should scare the shit out of just about anyone.
Hes not being put in a lab, hes managing the process.

You boys really need to stop this kneejerk response shit. Makes you look stupid.

Tell it to wall street, they were the ones petrified we had another dumbshit managing the process.
I'd say the corona virus isn't half of what caused the market to tank. It was listening to the dumbshit in charge appointing a blithering idiot to be in charge of handling it. That should scare the shit out of just about anyone.

Trump completely misses the opportunity to be a Leader, playing Golf and wasting precious time, then ... appoints somebody else MORE INCOMPETENT.
What's THAT tell you!?!?
It's bad enough that Jacqui aka Jack has turned into a blubbering vagina©. No need for you to follow suit.

©Grind Enterprises

Yeah but seriously. Pence is way smarter than to do that. Some accused him of supporting gay conversion therapy. I believed that until I checked it. Turned out to be false.
Given who he has appointed thus far it makes perfect sense..

Loyalty to him is the only qualification......

If ppl die, :dunno: they die, not like they weren't gonna die sooner or later anyway, right?? :dunno:

We pay civil servants to serve him, not us, welcome to trumpland..........
Trump completely misses the opportunity to be a Leader, playing Golf and wasting precious time, then ... appoints somebody else MORE INCOMPETENT.
What's THAT tell you!?!?

How about you do something for yourself, wash your hands regularly, give the bordellos in Bourbon Street a miss and get off the internet as Covid 19 is highly contagious.
How about you do something for yourself, wash your hands regularly, give the bordellos in Bourbon Street a miss and get off the internet as Covid 19 is highly contagious.

Finally, you've admitted Covid-19 exists and that it is 'highly contagious'. Congratulations.
Fun fact: Pence came out to Camp Murray today. I was there taking an academic test at 1:00, and was informed that I needed to have it completed by 2:30 or get stuck on base for a lockdown that could last several hours. I was even offered to reschedule, but, it wasn't going to take me that long. I got through the gate before 2:00.
Proud: "Some accused him of supporting gay conversion therapy. I believed that until I checked it."
Jack: I thought your statement meant; YOU believed in 'gay conversion therapy' ... until you checked it out and found it false. Thanks for clarifying that.
Proud: "Some accused him of supporting gay conversion therapy. I believed that until I checked it."
Jack: I thought your statement meant; YOU believed in 'gay conversion therapy' ... until you checked it out and found it false. Thanks for clarifying that.

Yeah. The point is I don't think Pence is that dumb He might lie or exaggerate, but he wouldn't cross the line.