Mike Pence v. Mark Twain


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Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Mark Twain

Mike Dense removes all doubt:

“. . . the struggle in Venezuela is between dictatorship and democracy . . .”

Trump’s vice president is so dense he does not know that democracy is the final step before totalitarian government:



Alas, Dense was probably talking about nation-building. I can only pray that the administration is not planning on using the U.S. military to make the:

“. . . peaceful transition to democracy . . .”
No American Vice President should be point man for the people of Venezuela. In my youth I sailed to more than forty countries and many of the major seaports along with countless islands. It was the average citizens, not government officials, who stand out in my memory as the nastiest people in the world in these two countries:

1. Venezuela.

It seems everybody forgot that Socialist Venezuelans are now getting exactly what they were asking for decades ago.

Venezuela joined the queue of Socialism’s losers a long time ago. I remember being in Lake Maracaibo on May 13, 1958:

On this day in 1958, anti-American demonstrators pelt then-Vice President Richard Nixon’s limousine with rocks in Caracas, Venezuela.

In April 1958, seeking to improve U.S. relations with Latin American countries, President Dwight Eisenhower sent Nixon on a trip to South America. The journey ended up generating more ill will than good. In Peru and Ecuador, protestors accosted Nixon over America’s policy of giving military support to political coups in Central America. The Venezuelan government and the American embassy in Caracas had warned Eisenhower earlier not to send Nixon to Venezuela, where anti-American sentiment ran particularly high—he went anyway.

In his book Six Crises, Nixon recounted that day’s frightening events. With only 12 Secret Service agents for protection, his motorcade encountered hundreds of angry protestors who spit on his car, smashed its windows and rocked it from side to side, threatening to turn it over while chanting Death to Nixon! and Nixon Go Home! The Secret Service radioed for help from the Venezuelan military, which dispatched troops to clear the protestors and escorted the motorcade to safety.

When Eisenhower received word of Nixon’s ordeal, he ordered a U.S. naval squadron to the Venezuelan coast just in case the vice president had to be evacuated by helicopter and spirited away to a waiting ship. However, Nixon was able to fly out of the Caracas airport without incident the next day. He arrived at the Washington airport to the cheers of 15,000 well-wishers, including Eisenhower and his cabinet members.

Venezuelans should have thrown kisses instead of rocks when you look at what their beloved Socialism did to them all of these years later:

Once upon a time, as Murray recalled, Venezuela had a huge middle class, property ownership was high and a large slice of the population held credit cards. But a series of economic crises in the 1980s and 1990s convinced many Venezuelans they had to change their country’s direction.

“They thought their answer was Chavez,” Murray said. “They thought it was socialism. They thought that their credit woes and other problems were going to be cured through socialism, and the result is what you have in Venezuela today, which is always the result of utopian systems or utopian thought, and that is no clean water, undependable electricity, gasoline shortages in one of the greatest oil-producing countries, food shortages – I could go on.”


He pointed to the former Soviet Union as an example. When a famine hit the country, the communist economy couldn’t adjust to the change because it was no longer operating according to the principle of supply and demand. Massive food shortages hit the USSR, just as shortages of food, water, medicine and electricity have slammed Venezuela. And the socialist “experts” have been unable to cope with the crises that have developed.

“This is why massive changes to the way government interacts with society are bad ideas,” Fitch insisted. “Once you go so far there is no going back. Experts try to refashion society quickly according to their ideas, and theories and socialism gives them the power to do so. Unfortunately, when things go wrong they cannot formulate a way out of the downward spiral.”

Venezuela's socialist utopia ends up in the toilet
Posted By Paul Bremmer On 04/23/2016 @ 6:53 pm


2. Indonesia.

Indonesians at least have historical justification for being nasty scum bags. Historically, there is something about living on some islands that breeds global ambitions. Just look at the British, the Japanese and ancient Greece. Will Indonesians follow in their footsteps?

There are more Muslims in Indonesia than there are Arab Muslims in the world. Indonesia is also extremely wealthy in petroleum and natural resources, yet you never hear a word about Indonesia sharing the wealth with Third World Muslim shit holes.

Parenthetically, I went to Indonesia when Sukarno was running the show, and I can tell you that Indonesians are some of the nastiest people on the planet. I am not giving Indonesia’s leaders a pass, I am saying that the average Indonesian hates westerners. It does not matter that their hatred probably increased when Indonesia was part of the Dutch colonial empire.

I list Indonesians as the nastiest of people. I am talking about average people, and Indonesia’s military who were worse than the civilians. Let me tell you a little story about the military.

I sailed break/bulk freighters in those days. That means the cargo was not in containers and had to be loaded and unloaded by hand onto pallets and cargo nets.

One day when the longshoremen where leaving the ship for their midday break two teenage boys were stopped by the machine-gun armed soldier stationed on the ship at the gangway. The kids had bags of candy stolen from the cargo wrapped in the waste of their sarongs. The soldier sent for his superior. When the officer arrived in a jeep and heard the soldier’s report he took the two boys ashore and shot them in the head. He then had his driver tie their feet to the back of the jeep and proceeded to slowly drive them past the long row of warehouses that lined the pier. Hundreds and hundreds of longshoremen were sitting in the shade of the cargo warehouses. That is the Indonesia I saw before and during the same time period (1967 - 1971) Barack Obama was living there.

Since so many Americans are big on voting in a democracy, they should be reminded that Sukarno was known for inventing “Guided Democracy.” Somehow those two boys did not get a vote.

Just to be clear. I am all for people voting on every issue that does NOT require tax dollar funding. Let the parasites vote for anything their little hearts desire —— EXCEPT voting themselves tax dollars under this or that pretext.

Aside from the cost of traditional necessary government; the military, the courts, roads, etc., the best way to accomplish it is prohibit tax dollars going to charities, political causes, welfare programs, foreign aid, public education, and so on. In short: No American should be forced to fund somebody else’s religious, cultural, or political beliefs.

Finally, lets call the Democrat Party the Democracy Party. That should tell us how Mike Dense likes the idea of Americans blaming democracy for the income tax, for infanticide, for socialized medicine, for brainwashing children who manage to avoid being butchered, for the welfare state, for the United Nations, for the EPA, for illegal immigration, for the secret government, and for every other tyranny democracy is laying on this country.
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Alas, Dense was probably talking about nation-building. I can only pray that the administration is not planning on using the U.S. military to make the:
“. . . peaceful transition to democracy . . .”

The asshole better finish U.N. nation-building in Afghanistan before he sends troops to Venezuela.

Maduro, who has overseen an economic collapse and the exodus of millions of Venezuelans, still maintains the powerful backing of Russia, China and Turkey, and the critical support of the military.

Trump Says Sending Military to Venezuela 'an Option'
Sunday, 03 February 2019 11:32 AM


When will U.N.-loving bunglers ever learn that dictators who are not a military threat should be grappled to their souls with hoops of steel? —— not driven into the arms of the enemy’s militaries (Russia, China, Turkey).

p.s. A professional soldier answers to a higher calling than do law enforcement officers. In practical terms that which is called a police force in this country is called an army in dictatorships. Basically, dictators like Maduro dress their cops in military uniforms and call them soldiers. Maduro’s guarantied access to traditional military skills and thinking is a big mistake.
I actually thought of voting for Trump till he picked Mike Pence.
That more than all the lies,broken promises,showed me who Trump was
No American Vice President should be point man for the people of Venezuela. In my youth I sailed to more than forty countries and many of the major seaports along with countless islands. It was the average citizens, not government officials, who stand out in my memory as the nastiest people in the world in these two countries:

1. Venezuela.

It seems everybody forgot that Socialist Venezuelans are now getting exactly what they were asking for decades ago.

Venezuela joined the queue of Socialism’s losers a long time ago. I remember being in Lake Maracaibo on May 13, 1958:

On this day in 1958, anti-American demonstrators pelt then-Vice President Richard Nixon’s limousine with rocks in Caracas, Venezuela.

In April 1958, seeking to improve U.S. relations with Latin American countries, President Dwight Eisenhower sent Nixon on a trip to South America. The journey ended up generating more ill will than good. In Peru and Ecuador, protestors accosted Nixon over America’s policy of giving military support to political coups in Central America. The Venezuelan government and the American embassy in Caracas had warned Eisenhower earlier not to send Nixon to Venezuela, where anti-American sentiment ran particularly high—he went anyway.

In his book Six Crises, Nixon recounted that day’s frightening events. With only 12 Secret Service agents for protection, his motorcade encountered hundreds of angry protestors who spit on his car, smashed its windows and rocked it from side to side, threatening to turn it over while chanting Death to Nixon! and Nixon Go Home! The Secret Service radioed for help from the Venezuelan military, which dispatched troops to clear the protestors and escorted the motorcade to safety.

When Eisenhower received word of Nixon’s ordeal, he ordered a U.S. naval squadron to the Venezuelan coast just in case the vice president had to be evacuated by helicopter and spirited away to a waiting ship. However, Nixon was able to fly out of the Caracas airport without incident the next day. He arrived at the Washington airport to the cheers of 15,000 well-wishers, including Eisenhower and his cabinet members.

Venezuelans should have thrown kisses instead of rocks when you look at what their beloved Socialism did to them all of these years later:

Once upon a time, as Murray recalled, Venezuela had a huge middle class, property ownership was high and a large slice of the population held credit cards. But a series of economic crises in the 1980s and 1990s convinced many Venezuelans they had to change their country’s direction.

“They thought their answer was Chavez,” Murray said. “They thought it was socialism. They thought that their credit woes and other problems were going to be cured through socialism, and the result is what you have in Venezuela today, which is always the result of utopian systems or utopian thought, and that is no clean water, undependable electricity, gasoline shortages in one of the greatest oil-producing countries, food shortages – I could go on.”


He pointed to the former Soviet Union as an example. When a famine hit the country, the communist economy couldn’t adjust to the change because it was no longer operating according to the principle of supply and demand. Massive food shortages hit the USSR, just as shortages of food, water, medicine and electricity have slammed Venezuela. And the socialist “experts” have been unable to cope with the crises that have developed.

“This is why massive changes to the way government interacts with society are bad ideas,” Fitch insisted. “Once you go so far there is no going back. Experts try to refashion society quickly according to their ideas, and theories and socialism gives them the power to do so. Unfortunately, when things go wrong they cannot formulate a way out of the downward spiral.”

Venezuela's socialist utopia ends up in the toilet
Posted By Paul Bremmer On 04/23/2016 @ 6:53 pm


2. Indonesia.

Indonesians at least have historical justification for being nasty scum bags. Historically, there is something about living on some islands that breeds global ambitions. Just look at the British, the Japanese and ancient Greece. Will Indonesians follow in their footsteps?

There are more Muslims in Indonesia than there are Arab Muslims in the world. Indonesia is also extremely wealthy in petroleum and natural resources, yet you never hear a word about Indonesia sharing the wealth with Third World Muslim shit holes.

Parenthetically, I went to Indonesia when Sukarno was running the show, and I can tell you that Indonesians are some of the nastiest people on the planet. I am not giving Indonesia’s leaders a pass, I am saying that the average Indonesian hates westerners. It does not matter that their hatred probably increased when Indonesia was part of the Dutch colonial empire.

I list Indonesians as the nastiest of people. I am talking about average people, and Indonesia’s military who were worse than the civilians. Let me tell you a little story about the military.

I sailed break/bulk freighters in those days. That means the cargo was not in containers and had to be loaded and unloaded by hand onto pallets and cargo nets.

One day when the longshoremen where leaving the ship for their midday break two teenage boys were stopped by the machine-gun armed soldier stationed on the ship at the gangway. The kids had bags of candy stolen from the cargo wrapped in the waste of their sarongs. The soldier sent for his superior. When the officer arrived in a jeep and heard the soldier’s report he took the two boys ashore and shot them in the head. He then had his driver tie their feet to the back of the jeep and proceeded to slowly drive them past the long row of warehouses that lined the pier. Hundreds and hundreds of longshoremen were sitting in the shade of the cargo warehouses. That is the Indonesia I saw before and during the same time period (1967 - 1971) Barack Obama was living there.

Since so many Americans are big on voting in a democracy, they should be reminded that Sukarno was known for inventing “Guided Democracy.” Somehow those two boys did not get a vote.

Just to be clear. I am all for people voting on every issue that does NOT require tax dollar funding. Let the parasites vote for anything their little hearts desire —— EXCEPT voting themselves tax dollars under this or that pretext.

Aside from the cost of traditional necessary government; the military, the courts, roads, etc., the best way to accomplish it is prohibit tax dollars going to charities, political causes, welfare programs, foreign aid, public education, and so on. In short: No American should be forced to fund somebody else’s religious, cultural, or political beliefs.

Finally, lets call the Democrat Party the Democracy Party. That should tell us how Mike Dense likes the idea of Americans blaming democracy for the income tax, for infanticide, for socialized medicine, for brainwashing children who manage to avoid being butchered, for the welfare state, for the United Nations, for the EPA, for illegal immigration, for the secret government, and for every other tyranny democracy is laying on this country.

In 1971 Obama was 10 years old.. How much to you think he impacted the political scene in Jakarta?
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Mark Twain

Mike Dense removes all doubt:

“. . . the struggle in Venezuela is between dictatorship and democracy . . .”

Trump’s vice president is so dense he does not know that democracy is the final step before totalitarian government:



Alas, Dense was probably talking about nation-building. I can only pray that the administration is not planning on using the U.S. military to make the:

“. . . peaceful transition to democracy . . .”

Well the publics sentiments about that Ned is that if Venezuela becomes a clear and present danger to Americas national security we can have absolute confidence that the Republicans currently running our government will protect American lives and property by invading Argentina or Thailand.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Mark Twain

Mike Dense removes all doubt:

“. . . the struggle in Venezuela is between dictatorship and democracy . . .”

Trump’s vice president is so dense he does not know that democracy is the final step before totalitarian government:



Alas, Dense was probably talking about nation-building. I can only pray that the administration is not planning on using the U.S. military to make the:

“. . . peaceful transition to democracy . . .”

He likely knows, however, that you're a fucking moron.

Literally everyone does.
I actually thought of voting for Trump till he picked Mike Pence.
That more than all the lies,broken promises,showed me who Trump was

Yea I used to live in West Ohio not far from the Indiana border and can remember Pence's radio program that made him a public figure. Think of a failed lawyer and right wing polemicist who started a right wing talk radio program. To give you an idea what his program was like, take Rush Limbaugh's program and remove imagination, humor and personality and you have Mike Pence's radio program. In short Catholic farmers were about the only ones who listened to it but he used it as a platform to build a successful political coalition. Which should tell you about everything you need to know about how fun and exciting a State Indiana is. LOL
Yea I used to live in West Ohio not far from the Indiana border and can remember Pence's radio program that made him a public figure. Think of a failed lawyer and right wing polemicist who started a right wing talk radio program. To give you an idea what his program was like, take Rush Limbaugh's program and remove imagination, humor and personality and you have Mike Pence's radio program. In short Catholic farmers were about the only ones who listened to it but he used it as a platform to build a successful political coalition. Which should tell you about everything you need to know about how fun and exciting a State Indiana is. LOL

I grew up in Toledo,I'm familiar with Indiana
I actually thought of voting for Trump till he picked Mike Pence.
That more than all the lies,broken promises,showed me who Trump was

Mark Twain would have eviscerated Mike Pence.. He despised the sort of pious Christian hypocrite like Pence.
No they didn't.. You moron, Jakarta had a large European and Dutch ex-pat community. Did you just fall off a turnip truck?

To kudzu: He lived in Muslim neighborhoods in Jakarta. In addition, he was a Muslim before he went to Indonesia. It is absurd to claim that Muslims in Jakarta did not influence and strengthen his beliefs.


Obama was a lying sack of shit as an adult. There is no doubt that he practiced Taqiyya and Kitman from the day he entered politics. In fact, he claimed he was a Christian to get elected.

Muslims often Iie with a straight face, even on record and in front of other Muslims, who nod in agreement (see Muslim Brotherhood) to both approve of and to participate in taqiyya, as well as kitman - the related practice of telling half-truths - as Muhammad instructed:


It is no wonder that the lying sack of shit found a home in the Party of Liars.
To kudzu: He lived in Muslim neighborhoods in Jakarta. In addition, he was a Muslim before he went to Indonesia. It is absurd to claim that Muslims in Jakarta did not influence and strengthen his beliefs.


Obama was a lying sack of shit as an adult. There is no doubt that he practiced Taqiyya and Kitman from the day he entered politics. In fact, he claimed he was a Christian to get elected.

Muslims often Iie with a straight face, even on record and in front of other Muslims, who nod in agreement (see Muslim Brotherhood) to both approve of and to participate in taqiyya, as well as kitman - the related practice of telling half-truths - as Muhammad instructed:


It is no wonder that the lying sack of shit found a home in the Party of Liars.

Obama went to a Catholic grammar school and then went to a CO-ED International school founded by the Dutch. His father was an Atheist and so was his stepfather.

You have been deceived ……. Daniel Pipes is a liar.