Mike Pence v. Mark Twain

To kudzu: You are an asshole. You believed every lie the sewer rat ever told. Worse still, you were suckered by Taqiyya and Kitman that harms everybody not just fools like you.
Dont get your panties in a wad Ned. Obama May have been all those things are not but at least he had a quality that the last two Republican Presidents Dont have. He’s competent. Having said that you don’t have to raise the bar too high to be more competent than W or the current orange occupant.

Now why don’t you go burn some Wiches like a good fanatic and leave us adults to do the talking.
To kudzu: He lived in Muslim neighborhoods in Jakarta. In addition, he was a Muslim before he went to Indonesia. It is absurd to claim that Muslims in Jakarta did not influence and strengthen his beliefs.


Obama was a lying sack of shit as an adult. There is no doubt that he practiced Taqiyya and Kitman from the day he entered politics. In fact, he claimed he was a Christian to get elected.

Muslims often Iie with a straight face, even on record and in front of other Muslims, who nod in agreement (see Muslim Brotherhood) to both approve of and to participate in taqiyya, as well as kitman - the related practice of telling half-truths - as Muhammad instructed:


It is no wonder that the lying sack of shit found a home in the Party of Liars.

You silly old whore. He wasn't a Muslim.

Why do you hate Chrisitanity and the United States?