They think if Trump is impeached, Hillary will become president because she came in second?
^There it is folks, the stupid post of the day. No doubt, a front runner for the stupid post of the month.
They think if Trump is impeached, Hillary will become president because she came in second?
Trump's wealth comes directly from Russian money laundering in his real estate ventures by the Russian mafia and Russian oligarchs.
Trump is directly indebted to them, and it will soon come to light that they have him "over a barrel" in many, many ways.
The justice wheels are in motion and daffy can not coast through this one as he has done his whole carreer.
Trump knew he wasn't supposed to win the election and no one was as surprised that he did, as he was.
Had he considered the legal and financial microscope he would soon be under he might have wisely abdicated the office.
Once it is revealed how deep in Daffy is, and has been, with the Russians, even Rush Limbaugh will be calling him a traitor.
Maybe he can get Erik Prince's private Mercernary army to patrol the streets for blasphemers and harlots.
They think if Trump is impeached, Hillary will become president because she came in second?
Please stop. I'm already thinking I'm in a 'Dream World' with Trump running things. Mike Pence would be like a 'Nightmare World'!
Christian Sharia Law: Women that have abortions will be publicly executed and their chopped off heads will adorn fence posts at Libraries, Post Offices and Elementary Schools. Gays/Lesbians will be strung up on trees aligning the Parkways and Boulevards. Infidels will be burnt at the Stake while alive ... with mandatory viewing by the Public at large.
Yes. And ... that leaves us with Mike Pence and his Christian Crusaders. It's like ... we go from BAD ... to WORSE!
You are insane.
Pence can be dealt with if he survives the barrage of indictments coming this fall.
Daffy has to go.
He will be a lame duck on day one with no chance of reelection, if that scenario plays out.
Mike Pence is a closet case if I ever saw one.
Says the pedophile .....