Military Service

Yeah, cowards join the Merchant Marines during wars, idiot.
Merchant marine!!!!!
During a war!!!!
You fucking joke!!!

You bravely delivered a few eggs to an aircraft carrier 200 miles away from any action, but still shut your pants at the loud noise the Klaxons made!!!

Did you put boots on ground ?
See an enemy?
React to enemy fire?
Return fire?
Fix bayonets?
Approach , assault and fight through an enemy position ?


Your full of shit!!
Mercant marine!!
What a fucking great way to dodge danger!!

Roofers have a more dangerous job!
Bank tellers!
Rune, when you have changed your pants, come back and provide supporting evidence that GWB went AWOL to avoid deploying to Vietnam.
What job was he deploying to do?
Kerry did lie, he stabbed his comrades in the back( to launch his career in politics and as a successfull gigolo) he is a turncoat bastard.
Show me the courts martial docket showing that GWB went AWOL to avoid being sent to Vietnam.

How would a serviceman convicted of cowardice in the face of the enemy( that's the charge that would have been carried to court martial) manage to cover up that conviction?

Or have managed to get nominated after his exocution or from his prison cell where he was serving life?

Shall we say, thst as well as a pants shitting coward, you are also a lying fuck?

Your verbal diarrhea and your incontinence of bowel must put a real damper on your social life!

Your probably afraid to get out and meet folks though!
Brings on one of your incontinence events?

AWOL would not get him convicted of cowardice in the face of the enemy, nor would it garner him prison time.
AWOL would not get him convicted of cowardice in the face of the enemy, nor would it garner him prison time.

Going AWOL to avoid deployment would garner prison time.
Would give a dishonorable discharge, equivalent to a felony conviction..
Show the documents, back up the claim.
Wow Rune, you sent 007 off the deepend.
Nah, he went into a torrent of abuse when confronted with the truth about the backstabbing turncoat John Kerry.

Still no evidence that GWB went AWOL to avoid service in Vietnam?
Which unit did he dessert?
Where were they stationed?
What was his job?
What year did he desert?
Or are you liberals lying again?
Of course you are, you are liberals!
Going AWOL to avoid deployment would garner prison time.
Would give a dishonorable discharge, equivalent to a felony conviction..
Show the documents, back up the claim.

Total bullshit. I can name at least 6 guys who went AWOL (including me for a weekend), and 2 of those missed the departure of my boat. Their punishment was handled via NJP. Both got restriction and one spent a week in the brig (due to other charges as well). None got a dishonorable discharge and none got prison time.
Nah, he went into a torrent of abuse when confronted with the truth about the backstabbing turncoat John Kerry.

Still no evidence that GWB went AWOL to avoid service in Vietnam?
Which unit did he dessert?
Where were they stationed?
What was his job?
What year did he desert?
Or are you liberals lying again?
Of course you are, you are liberals!

No one is going to bother educating you on recent American history moron. Do some research yourself.
Nah, he went into a torrent of abuse when confronted with the truth about the backstabbing turncoat John Kerry.

Still no evidence that GWB went AWOL to avoid service in Vietnam?
Which unit did he dessert?
Where were they stationed?
What was his job?
What year did he desert?
Or are you liberals lying again?
Of course you are, you are liberals!

Relax, numbnuts, I am not liberal and I did not make any claim about George W.

But I am curious about the dessert too. Hopefully it was cake.
Oh, and just as an FYI, AWOL and Desertion are two different charges. Bush was AWOL from his National Guard Unit. He missed about 17 months of drill weekends. Hardly a court martial offense, but most folks would have been put on active duty for it. Instead, George requested and recieved an honorable discharge 8 months before his committment was over.

Is any of that cowardice? I doubt it. Its more like a spoiled rich kid taking advantage of Daddy's money and power.
No one is going to bother educating you on recent American history moron. Do some research yourself.

So not just a pants soiling coward, you are a lying pile of shit also?

GWB DIDN'T GO AWOL, was never charged with being AWOL.
He didnt dodge Vietnam, his unit was not deployed.

Bit of research on your part wouldn't have gone amiss, you rely too heavily on lies spouted by the liberal media, and the obamacult.
Oh, and just as an FYI, AWOL and Desertion are two different charges. Bush was AWOL from his National Guard Unit. He missed about 17 months of drill weekends. Hardly a court martial offense, but most folks would have been put on active duty for it. Instead, George requested and recieved an honorable discharge 8 months before his committment was over.

Is any of that cowardice? I doubt it. Its more like a spoiled rich kid taking advantage of Daddy's money and power.
So a national guardsman dosent attend, what happens?

The officer in charge if his unit will call him, if that dosent work, an mp may be sent to escort the soldier to the training area!

In my time I came into contact with many US units and personell.
Including national guard units, in the USA when I was under deployment to the USA and in the UK when they had deployed to train in the UK.
Our TA soldiers were horrified that a no show for training weekends would result in an AWOL charge and initiate mp action!
So not just a pants soiling coward, you are a lying pile of shit also?

GWB DIDN'T GO AWOL, was never charged with being AWOL.
He didnt dodge Vietnam, his unit was not deployed.

Bit of research on your part wouldn't have gone amiss, you rely too heavily on lies spouted by the liberal media, and the obamacult.

Keep lying to yourself, please.
The only people who praised the soldiers were the ones who wanted them there, in other words the ones who sent them to die for no good reason.

With the news media reporting the killing of women & children, the fire bombing of villages, and the unprecedented news coverage of the war, it is little wonder lots of people responded badly. There is no excuse for the treatment of the returning soldiers, but to blame only the liberals is simply untrue.
I believe it was the My Lai massacre that blew the lid off the whole thing.
See...that's the thing. Your comment is way outdated. When was the last military campaign that actually 'protected' us?

Before the chickenhawks created the clusterfuck that is the Mid East, we had decades of peacetime (more or less).

With the horrid economy Raygun/Bush sr. brought, the military was a viable choice for a way to do a few years and get out with bennies, and a way to get an education.

When Rumsfeld chose to go to war with the 'army he had', many reservists/guardsmen got caught up in the net. For those, I feel sorry for the ruination of their families.

Likewise for those who got dragged back to fight, after fulfilling their duties.

I'd offer thanks to them, because they never signed up for the 'Blood for Oil' campaign that failed miserably.

Anyone who now serves made the choice to do so, knowing that they'll end up in Afghanistan. Most of the kids I talk to did so because they had no other job opportunities. They take the risk.

But don't kid yourself into thinking that anything they do is 'protecting' us from anyone.

I am not confused in the least.
I agree with the vast majority of your post above.
I virulently disagree with your notion that ANYONE who volunteers to serve their country deserves no thanks. This is where your confusion lies, especially in that you yourself provided their primary reason for joining, lack of choice due to economic privation, caused by the very neo-cons you yourself hold responsible in the first place.

To blame the least of us for the circumstances caused by our overlords is not logical.
Everyone loves to bash Halliburton because of Cheney....

Halliburton has done business in the Middle East since 1951....and has done business in Iraq, Libya, Kuwait and other ME locations since the 1980's and 1990's....
Many different companys, from all over the world that deal in oil had a presents in the ME, including Iraq 20 years its no surprise the all these company's are STILL in the ME...including Iraq today.

So a war in 2002 had nothing to do with these company's doing business in these country's....just another lefty attempt to re-write history using smoke and mirrors.

Your ridiculous post belongs in the conspiracy forums along with the other bs...

cheney wasn't with halliburton since 1951. But after he became CEO there was some fishy stuff going on.

From 1995 until 2000, [cheney] served as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Halliburton, a Fortune 500 company. Cheney's record as CEO was subject to some dispute among Wall Street analysts. A 1998 merger between Halliburton and Dresser Industries attracted the criticism of some Dresser executives for Halliburton's lack of accounting transparency.[SUP][59][/SUP] Although Cheney is not named as an individual defendant in the suit, Halliburton shareholders are pursuing a class-action lawsuit alleging that the corporation artificially inflated its stock price during this period. In June of 2011, the United States Supreme Court reversed a lower court ruling and allowed the case to continue be litigated.[SUP][60][/SUP] Cheney was named in a December 2010 corruption complaint filed by the Nigerian government against Halliburton, which the company settled for $250 million.[SUP][61][/SUP]

During Cheney's tenure, Halliburton changed its accounting practices regarding revenue realization of disputed costs on major construction projects.[SUP][62][/SUP] Cheney resigned as CEO of Halliburton on July 25, 2000. As vice president, he argued that this step removed any conflict of interest. Cheney's net worth, estimated to be between $30 million and $100 million, is largely derived from his post at Halliburton, as well as the Cheneys' gross income of nearly $8.82 million.[SUP][63][/SUP][SUP][not in citation given][/SUP]