Millennials are dumb


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-increasingly prefer Communism to start.
An article about Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and New York U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-14th Dist., helping to stir interest in democratic socialism in Erie. My first thought after reading the article was that it should have been in the comics section instead. So now the Democrats have as the face of their party a bona fide Valley girl who is dumb as a box of rocks. A Valley girl is a ditzy adolescent girl from the San Fernando Valley in California. She is beautiful in appearance but truly idiotic.

Hilarious! Among Ocasio-Cortez’s best quotes so far:

“Millennials and people, you know, Gen Z, and all these folks that come after us, are looking up and we’re like, the world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change and your biggest issue is, your biggest issue is how are we going to pay for it?
And like, this is the war, this is our World War II.” That is textbook Valley girl talk. Folks, you can’t make this stuff up.
If you do want to hate on millennials, at least do them the credit of hating them for the right reasons.
All the derisive talk of selfies and selfishness and Snapchat really amounts to nothing more than an extended
"get off my lawn" from an aggrieved class of elders. And there's no need to resort to such measures when there are plenty of good reasons to heap your scorn on the nation's 20-somethings. To wit:

1. Millennials are the least patriotic generation
Less than a third of millennials say the United States is the greatest country in the world, according to the Pew Research Center.
By contrast, 48 percent of Gen Xers, 50 percent of Boomers, and 64 percent of the Silent Generation said that America is Number 1.
And only 70 percent of millennials identified as "patriotic," compared to 80 to 90 percent of people in other generations.
America is Number 1 at many different things. What gives, millennials?

2. Millennials are just as racist as their elders
When Uncle Steve starts spouting off racist nonsense at the Thanksgiving table you might be inclined to cut him a little tiny bit of slack -- he's a product of a different era, after all. But when Cousin Cooper does the same thing, well, that's a different story.

Data from the General Social Survey shows that "when it comes to explicit prejudice against blacks, non-Hispanic white millennials are not much different than whites belonging to Generation X (born 1965-1980) or Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964)," according to our own Scott Clement.
"Whatever expectation that millennials' diverse racial makeup would spawn especially tolerant views has not yet come true," he concludes.

3. Millennials are the generation least informed about the news
Millennials performed the poorest in a recent Pew Research Center study of the public's knowledge of current events. They averaged 7.8 questions right on a 12-question news quiz, less than every other age group.
Compared to other generations,
millennials were significantly less likely to know which country the United States had just normalized relations with (Cuba), they were considerably less likely to identify a photograph of Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and they had a hard time recognizing the route of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline on a map.

4. Millennials are the nation's leading vaccine skeptics
Millennials are twice as likely as seniors to say that parents should be able to opt out of giving their kids childhood vaccines.
And they are seven times as likely as seniors to believe in the unequivocally discredited link between vaccines and autism.
The reason? As the first generation largely spared from the horrors of vaccine-preventable diseases, millennials have no generational memory of a time when hundreds of thousands of children were stricken with these diseases each year. Sadly, it's not millennials but rather their kids who will bear the cost of this forgetfulness.

5. Millennials care less about free speech than other generations
8- to 29-year-olds were the generation least likely to say it's okay for news outlets to publish cartoons of the prophet Muhammad.
For a substantial proportion of millennials, the right to free speech ends where the right to not be offended begins.
The public needs to be educated that Hitler was a Democratic Socialist, the same thing Bernie Sanders calls himself.

You have to be dumb not to understand that punishing workers and rewarding freeloaders, taking from people who work and giving to people who don't work, socialism, is not a viable economic system. It necessarily leads to nation-wide oppression and poverty.
The public needs to be educated that Hitler was a Democratic Socialist, the same thing Bernie Sanders calls himself.

You have to be dumb not to understand that punishing workers and rewarding freeloaders, taking from people who work and giving to people who don't work, socialism, is not a viable economic system. It necessarily leads to nation-wide oppression and poverty.
relying on public understanding wont cut it.
Millenials think socialism is a good idea -you can se it on this board. They are brainwashed by University .
relying on public understanding wont cut it.
Millenials think socialism is a good idea -you can se it on this board. They are brainwashed by University .

If millennials flirt with socialism, a lot of the blame lies with Republicans.

Republican politicians, message board posters, and pundits spent decades calling western Europe socialist.

You all promoted the story of western European socialism.
Millennials are aware not only that Norway, France, and Denmark are in fact not dystopian hellscapes, but are generally nice places to live
A lot of people are dumb..period.

I've met many dumb Millennials & many dumb Boomers too.

Boomer greed & reckless caused almost all of our societies ills.
Boomers like to think they invented Rock like The Doors & the Beatles.

That was the silent generation.

What Boomers invented was Rap music, Disco.

Boomers were the ultimate spoiled brat generation.

They started most of our worst gangs.

They were incredibly violent.

They started the drug abuse, they started single mothers, outsourcing & hiring illegals.
-increasingly prefer Communism to start.
An article about Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and New York U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-14th Dist., helping to stir interest in democratic socialism in Erie. My first thought after reading the article was that it should have been in the comics section instead. So now the Democrats have as the face of their party a bona fide Valley girl who is dumb as a box of rocks. A Valley girl is a ditzy adolescent girl from the San Fernando Valley in California. She is beautiful in appearance but truly idiotic.

Hilarious! Among Ocasio-Cortez’s best quotes so far:

“Millennials and people, you know, Gen Z, and all these folks that come after us, are looking up and we’re like, the world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change and your biggest issue is, your biggest issue is how are we going to pay for it?
And like, this is the war, this is our World War II.” That is textbook Valley girl talk. Folks, you can’t make this stuff up.

Boomers like to think they invented Rock like The Doors & the Beatles.

That was the silent generation.

What Boomers invented was Rap music, Disco.

Boomers were the ultimate spoiled brat generation.

They started most of our worst gangs.

They were incredibly violent.

They started the drug abuse, they started single mothers, outsourcing & hiring illegals.

Are you on the internet today? Using your cell phone?

Drug abuse has been around since man walked upright.

Your ignorance of gangs is astounding.

The Silent Generation hated 60s Rock. They even censored Elvis.
If millennials flirt with socialism, a lot of the blame lies with Republicans.

Republican politicians, message board posters, and pundits spent decades calling western Europe socialist.

You all promoted the story of western European socialism.
Millennials are aware not only that Norway, France, and Denmark are in fact not dystopian hellscapes, but are generally nice places to live
ridiculous. Socialism means redistribution of wealth as well as SP.

It's being sold to young minds under the guise of "income inequality" - but the USA is the richest in the world
with the best economy in the world prior to Covid
If millennials flirt with socialism, a lot of the blame lies with Republicans.

Republican politicians, message board posters, and pundits spent decades calling western Europe socialist.

You all promoted the story of western European socialism.
Millennials are aware not only that Norway, France, and Denmark are in fact not dystopian hellscapes, but are generally nice places to live

-increasingly prefer Communism to start.
An article about Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and New York U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-14th Dist., helping to stir interest in democratic socialism in Erie. My first thought after reading the article was that it should have been in the comics section instead. So now the Democrats have as the face of their party a bona fide Valley girl who is dumb as a box of rocks. A Valley girl is a ditzy adolescent girl from the San Fernando Valley in California. She is beautiful in appearance but truly idiotic.

Hilarious! Among Ocasio-Cortez’s best quotes so far:

“Millennials and people, you know, Gen Z, and all these folks that come after us, are looking up and we’re like, the world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change and your biggest issue is, your biggest issue is how are we going to pay for it?
And like, this is the war, this is our World War II.” That is textbook Valley girl talk. Folks, you can’t make this stuff up.

-increasingly prefer Communism to start.
An article about Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and New York U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-14th Dist., helping to stir interest in democratic socialism in Erie. My first thought after reading the article was that it should have been in the comics section instead. So now the Democrats have as the face of their party a bona fide Valley girl who is dumb as a box of rocks. A Valley girl is a ditzy adolescent girl from the San Fernando Valley in California. She is beautiful in appearance but truly idiotic.

Hilarious! Among Ocasio-Cortez’s best quotes so far:

“Millennials and people, you know, Gen Z, and all these folks that come after us, are looking up and we’re like, the world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change and your biggest issue is, your biggest issue is how are we going to pay for it?
And like, this is the war, this is our World War II.” That is textbook Valley girl talk. Folks, you can’t make this stuff up.

Wondering out-loud: do you support trump's son in law the Millennial & nepostistification of the fight against the virus??
Boomers like to think they invented Rock like The Doors & the Beatles.

That was the silent generation.

What Boomers invented was Rap music, Disco.
They were born in the 40's - 50 so many talented musicians and some prior to 1945 (Jim Morrison 1943) -but that IS when the boomers stated as well 1945-1965