Millennials are dumb

I was lucky enough to have seen Fleetwood Mac Mirage tour (82) - i'm a huge fan of Lindsey Buckingham's guitar and productions

I aw "On with the Show" tour a couple years ago before Stevie got Lindsey fired.

I skipped the Fakewood Mac tour last year for that reason

As a USC guy there's a great relationship between Fleetwood Mac and the USC band. This video for TUSK with the band came out around that time right?

As a USC guy there's a great relationship between Fleetwood Mac and the USC band. This video for TUSK with the band came out around that time right?

Yep. They did the entire band on the video - every once in awhile they had a smaller contingent at a concert

Tusk is the title track of the same double album (1980) produced by Lindsey Buckingham
(that is Lindsey on the YouTube frame you posted ) songwriters are all Fleetwood members of course
Yep. They did the entire band on the video - every once in awhile they had a smaller contingent at a concert

Tusk is the title track of the same double album (1980) produced by Lindsey Buckingham
(that is Lindsey on the YouTube frame you posted ) songwriters are all Fleetwood members of course

As a Trojan it gives me the chills watching this video. I love it.

Stare into his face & then you hypocrites look into the eyes of the most powerful millennial in the world

the brains behind the throne of the beast you whoreship

ridiculous. Socialism means redistribution of wealth as well as SP.

It's being sold to young minds under the guise of "income inequality" - but the USA is the richest in the world
with the best economy in the world prior to Covid

Millennials at the same age as Boomers make 20% less.

Productivity is way up, stocks are way up, CEO salaries are way up.

What gives?

Capitalism is what gives, CEO's outsourcing, businesses hiring illegals, automation, Capitalists hiring Feminist workers, Capitalists hiring H2B Visas, loss of unions etc. etc.
from what i see and read, they look at socialism as the vehicle to "solve" income inequality -
a pet peeve of the left..No . socialism is being sold as they answer as to why you can't be rich

The best record growth is all Light Socialism & Medium Socialism.

- FDR achieved the fastest economic growth period in 20th Century US history with Light Socialism.

- National Socialist Germany achieved faster economic growth than FDR, using Medium Socialism.

- Japan in the Japanese economic miracle achieved the #1 economic growth period in the 20th Century using Light Socialism.

- Spain in the Spanish Miracle achieved the #2 economic growth period in the 20th century using Light Socialism.

- The most impressive of all, Goliath China since 1990 has achieved top economic growth using Medium Socialism.
ridiculous. Socialism means redistribution of wealth as well as SP.

It's being sold to young minds under the guise of "income inequality" - but the USA is the richest in the world
with the best economy in the world prior to Covid

If that's the case, just about the whole World is Socialist. LMFAO.

But, it's just not the actual definition.

You call Millennials as dumb?

The real definition is to manage & control the production through the community.

In reality, the community tends to be the government.
Capitalistic greed and recklessness is found equally in all generations.

Millennials are dumb because they are not experienced as older generations.
Capitalistic greed and recklessness is found equally in all generations.

Millennials are dumb because they are not experienced as older generations.

Most of our problems come from Boomers.

Boomers are responsible for the wage market collapsing.

Boomers first supported Feminism, while well meaning, it added significantly to the labor force, which equates to less pay, and more competition.

Once the Greatest Generation left businesses around the 1980's & 90's.

Boomers took their place, and didn't have the same kind of pride.

They saw nothing wrong with outsourcing, or hiring illegals, hiring H2B Visas, automation, busting out unions etc. etc.
then they are lucky.......millennials have 40% less brains than Boomers did at their age........60% less than Boomers have now.......

My Polish American father, born in 1943.
With his masters degree as a History Teacher.

Is way more intelligent than the rest of the Boomers & Silent Generation on this forum.

Since the 1990's he has blamed Capitalism & Wall Street for outsourcing & cutting corners creating junk products & for businesses hiring Illegals from Mexico, Guatemala, etc.

In 2003 he predicted the War in Iraq would unite the Shiites of Iraq with Iran, and Iran would be the winner.

It's happened, with disposing Sunni strongman ruling over a Shiite dominated Iraq, splinted into Iran picking up the Shiites of Iraq.

Which is why Iran is an issue, as we speak.

The problem is Republicans don't think for yourselves, you are Zombie idiots.
Most of our problems come from Boomers.

Boomers are responsible for the wage market collapsing.

Boomers first supported Feminism, while well meaning, it added significantly to the labor force, which equates to less pay, and more competition.

Once the Greatest Generation left businesses around the 1980's & 90's.

Boomers took their place, and didn't have the same kind of pride.

They saw nothing wrong with outsourcing, or hiring illegals, hiring H2B Visas, automation, busting out unions etc. etc.

OK dokey, millennial croakey. Quit your whining. Right wing Reagnistas of all generations are responsible for the market collapsing.

Any one blaming feminism today on Boomers when they are young is ignoring Millennials today support feminism.

You simply do not understand American sociology or economics.
The public needs to be educated that Hitler was a Democratic Socialist, the same thing Bernie Sanders calls himself.

You have to be dumb not to understand that punishing workers and rewarding freeloaders, taking from people who work and giving to people who don't work, socialism, is not a viable economic system. It necessarily leads to nation-wide oppression and poverty.

I would think a disgusting piece of shit
antisemitic like yourself would be a huge Hitler fan
Boomers like to think they invented Rock like The Doors & the Beatles.

That was the silent generation.

What Boomers invented was Rap music, Disco.

Boomers were the ultimate spoiled brat generation.

They started most of our worst gangs.

They were incredibly violent.

They started the drug abuse, they started single mothers, outsourcing & hiring illegals.

You're rambling bullshit is laughable