Millions of Angry, Armed Americans Stand Ready to Seize Power If Trump Loses in 2024

And another thing. All those millions of guns Americans have? They are owned by a fraction of America. What that means is some people have a lot of guns. Whoopee do.

One person can only efficiently shoot one rifle at one time. It takes two hands and two eyes.

So all those other guns in the arsenal?

Just sitting there gathering dust while gun-nut is in a firefight with the (one) assault rifle.

After he's been eliminated, authorities come in and confiscate the whole collection.

Another gun-nut threat down the drain.

They think others will join them

They are wrong

Government bullets will end their insanity very quickly
^Another great example of how badly our educational establishment is failing our citizens.


How is it wrong?

You are pathetic
And you are a lunatic. They should lock you up in a padded cell. :palm:


Yes we all realize you have no idea what you are talking about

You can’t offer one word of actual defense of your failed ideas

It’s cool

Government bullets will clear the brains of the idiots willing to die for your traitorous lies
There was not insurrection...

You can play internet lawyer all you want, dumbass.** It wasn't a tourist visit either. There's were violent criminals who attacked and beat to the point of maiming police officers defending the Congress of the United States. Call it what you want, but whoever planned, funded and executed this attack should be hung as fucking traitors.

Dumbass Trumpian cocksuckers like you love to twist the truth especially when it comes to covering up RW crimes. Unlike you, I'm not an Internet lawyer, but seeking to overthrow the US government seems to fit "levying war" in violation of their oaths. Anyone who had taken the oath and then supported the overthrow, by any means whatsoever, is a traitor and should be prosecuted as such to the full extent of the law.

Anyone who has betrayed their oaths will never get any sympathy from me.
Elements of Treason
The elements of treason are the same under state and federal law:

  • the defendant owes allegiance to the government, and
    [*]the defendant intentionally betrays that allegiance by either
    [*]levying war against the government
    , or

**BTW, If you donate $10 to JPP, Damo will email you a certificate good to legally practice all over JPP. :thup:
You have shitty short videos that mean nothing on your side

I have government bullets on my side

I suggest you don’t try to start your dreamed of race war
A merciless, Stalinesque purge of millions of angry, armed, trumpanzee mutants would be just the shot in the arm that this nation needs.
Talk about making America great again!
You can play internet lawyer all you want, dumbass.** It wasn't a tourist visit either. There's were violent criminals who attacked and beat to the point of maiming police officers defending the Congress of the United States. Call it what you want, but whoever planned, funded and executed this attack should be hung as fucking traitors.

Dumbass Trumpian cocksuckers like you love to twist the truth especially when it comes to covering up RW crimes. Unlike you, I'm not an Internet lawyer, but seeking to overthrow the US government seems to fit "levying war" in violation of their oaths. Anyone who had taken the oath and then supported the overthrow, by any means whatsoever, is a traitor and should be prosecuted as such to the full extent of the law.

Anyone who has betrayed their oaths will never get any sympathy from me.
Elements of Treason
The elements of treason are the same under state and federal law:

  • the defendant owes allegiance to the government, and
  • the defendant intentionally betrays that allegiance by either
  • levying war against the government, or

**BTW, If you donate $10 to JPP, Damo will email you a certificate good all over JPP. :thup:

Many here are Russo bot holes

The idiots who take them seriously will be rewarded with government bullets
Yes we all realize you have no idea what you are talking about
You can’t offer one word of actual defense of your failed ideas
It’s cool
Government bullets will clear the brains of the idiots willing to die for your traitorous lies

You can play internet lawyer all you want, dumbass.** It wasn't a tourist visit either. There's were violent criminals who attacked and beat to the point of maiming police officers defending the Congress of the United States. Call it what you want, but whoever planned, funded and executed this attack should be hung as fucking traitors.

Dumbass Trumpian cocksuckers like you love to twist the truth especially when it comes to covering up RW crimes. Unlike you, I'm not an Internet lawyer, but seeking to overthrow the US government seems to fit "levying war" in violation of their oaths. Anyone who had taken the oath and then supported the overthrow, by any means whatsoever, is a traitor and should be prosecuted as such to the full extent of the law.

Anyone who has betrayed their oaths will never get any sympathy from me.

You come across as an unhinged lunatic with zero connection to reality. Have you seen a shrink lately?

They weren't violent criminals. Most never had a criminal record. Unlike the violent thugs in the BLM riots who were burning down cities, beating and murdering cops and looting businesses.

Run along. Life's too short to deal with the lunatic rantings of an unhinged psychopath.
You will see

The idiots who try to actually start your dreamed of race will will get dead real quick
You come across as an unhinged lunatic with zero connection to reality. Have you seen a shrink lately?

They weren't violent criminals. Most never had a criminal record. Unlike the violent thugs in the BLM riots who were burning down cities, beating and murdering cops and looting businesses.

Run along. Life's too short to deal with the lunatic rantings of an unhinged psychopath.

Correct you are. Reading the paranoid ramblings of so many here helps me understand just how fucking dumb some people are.
I understand many are just posting to get a response and they are well known but some of these idiots actually believe this crap.
Probably why I usually just post memes. They hit, stir emotion, are succinct, and targeted.
Correct you are. Reading the paranoid ramblings of so many here helps me understand just how fucking dumb some people are.
I understand many are just posting to get a response and they are well known but some of these idiots actually believe this crap.
Probably why I usually just post memes. They hit, stir emotion, are succinct, and targeted.

These are the people who voted for Biden believing he would shut down the virus and bring us all together and end the division. :rofl2:
Part of the problem with the alt-lefties ia the fact they have never read the Constitution. The individual that made the comment you responded to has all sorts of demons so you are going to have a tough time explaining to him/her/alphabet and winning over the argument, not to mention the moonbat that started this thread.

I'm not trying to win over the argument with him. I know that's impossible. I am simply showing the holes in his argument for others to see.
Only fucking morons and mental whackjobs believe our government is illegitimate....but since you believe that is true, when do you plan to "take back our country" through violence?

Will you use terrorism? Just murder Lefties? Will you assassinate LW elected officials, members of the media and anyone who "stole the election"?

If not, then you're a fucking coward. A piece of lying scum too chickenshit shit to fight for your freedom. Fuck you and everyone like you.

You cannot make the evidence disappear by insult people, dumbass.
Dutch Uncle,

Could you cite the decision, please?

Something about the part of the second that states the right of the individual to own arms for self defense or take up arms against a tyrannical US government would do nicely to make your argument.

There is a reason gun nuts always leave off the first part of the 2nd.

It's like they pretend it somehow doesn't state very clearly the purpose of the 2nd.

Which is not for self-defense.

Both parts are to protect against a tyrannical federal government, among other reasons.
The fact there are more guns in America than people isn't proof enough? Results count. LOL

I'm not a lawyer, just a retiree who continues to abide by his oath to the Constitution. The fact you don't believe in unalienable rights and that you believe our rights are given by government is the problem here, not my inability to explain US laws to your satisfaction.

You discard the Constitution.