Mina - 12b Banned 1 Month

We? As in you and Satan?

Like Lig, you're free to hate people, spread lies and vent your spleen about them. It seems to give you pleasure.

me, Satan, God, the New York Yankees, everyone who is left handed, almost everyone from Pakistan and all rational people everywhere......
me, Satan, God, the New York Yankees, everyone who is left handed, almost everyone from Pakistan and all rational people everywhere......

Amazing that your mental condition allows you to believe you speak for everyone. When did this power first come to you? Have you always had it or did you have a vison? An epiphany?
I know why you hate rational people but what do you have against the Yankees?......

I don't hate anyone, but your efforts as a minion of Satan by spreading lies and hatred shouldn't go unnoticed. Does Satan hand out ribbons or medals? Or is your reward simply less time required sucking on Satan's cock?
I don't hate anyone, but your efforts as a minion of Satan by spreading lies and hatred shouldn't go unnoticed. Does Satan hand out ribbons or medals? Or is your reward simply less time required sucking on Satan's cock?

your desperate need to violate Rule 14 has consumed your life....I blame the fact you haven't got an ounce of brains in your head.......
Women don't go around throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. Owl was right about easing the ban on Mina, but as CO points out, why not extend the same curtesy to Jack?

Damo did. Jack's 12b was his fourth offense; he should have been permabanned like so many others on their fourth. He's lucky Damo showed mercy.
your desperate need to violate Rule 14 has consumed your life....I blame the fact you haven't got an ounce of brains in your head.......

You lie a lot. That will cost you in the end.

Do you believe in God? Do you believe God sends people to Hell or that people put themselves into Hell by their conduct?
Doxxing Cunt said:
I started my career as a lunch lady, then advanced to cleaning bedpans, and now I run a political site.
When was the last time you got laid?
She was far too intelligent, rational, and logical for the RWers here anyways. Except when it comes to this, apparently.
Hard to understand why a poster like that is permabanned, while blatant racists and anti-semites like TDAK and Voksrock are allowed to patrol the board with their toxic filth for years on end.
She was far too intelligent, rational, and logical for the RWers here anyways. Except when it comes to this, apparently.

You confuse intelligence with insane much like puss boy Althea. You two must live in a fucking bubble and neither of you show much connection to the real world outside of where you live
Hard to understand why a poster like that is permabanned, while blatant racists and anti-semites like TDAK and Voksrock are allowed to patrol the board with their toxic filth for years on end.

They're banned too when they violate 12B. Rules is rules. :thup:

She asked for it like a piss-offed teenager. Damo was right to remove the permban. How long would you have given her had you been in charge? Maybe it's the grandpa in me but I'd have only given her a week to think about it...but I'm with the JPP No Permban Army (NPA).

Care to join? The NPA's platform supports no permbans, only relegation to the war zone or other similar purgatory to either wallow or reflect how actions have consequences then seek to redeem themselves among civilized members.

Membership is free. :thup:
They're banned too when they violate 12B. Rules is rules. :thup:

She asked for it like a piss-offed teenager. Damo was right to remove the permban. How long would you have given her had you been in charge? Maybe it's the grandpa in me but I'd have only given her a week to think about it...but I'm with the JPP No Permban Army (NPA).

Care to join? The NPA's platform supports no permbans, only relegation to the war zone or other similar purgatory to either wallow or reflect how actions have consequences then seek to redeem themselves among civilized members.

Membership is free. :thup:
I didn't really pay attention to Damo's grievances. The little bit I read of Mina was head and shoulders above TDAK, Voksrock, PMP, Truth Deflector, et al. whether or not I agreed without everything Mina wrote.
She will be missed. Her posts were eloquent, on-point, and loaded with facts, figures, graphs, studies, all supporting her well-made points.

Her style is truly unmatched.

Best wishes, Mina. Sorry it didn't work out for you.

JPP is less now.
She will be missed. Her posts were eloquent, on-point, and loaded with facts, figures, graphs, studies, all supporting her well-made points.

Her style is truly unmatched.

Best wishes, Mina. Sorry it didn't work out for you.

JPP is less now.

It's up to her to return (in 30 days) or not. It's up to her to abide by the rules or not. Damo's choice on how to run his forum. Rules is Rules.

Agreed JPP is less, but she mostly hurts herself by letting her emotions overrule her intelligence. In the real world, such people often get themselves in trouble because they are, literally, too smart for their own good. I admire Mina's intelligence, knowledge and will-to-do but she often let her emotions get in the way of both common sense and logic.

"Passionate" is an attribute...to an extent. Too much and it turns into "Nutjob". Sometimes the line is fuzzy, but Mina most certainly crossed it in her meltdown with Damo.

BTW, the NPA is against permbans. Please join us. :thup:
Hello Dutch,

It's up to her to return (in 30 days) or not. It's up to her to abide by the rules or not. Damo's choice on how to run his forum. Rules is Rules.

Agreed JPP is less, but she mostly hurts herself by letting her emotions overrule her intelligence. In the real world, such people often get themselves in trouble because they are, literally, too smart for their own good. I admire Mina's intelligence, knowledge and will-to-do but she often let her emotions get in the way of both common sense and logic.

"Passionate" is an attribute...to an extent. Too much and it turns into "Nutjob". Sometimes the line is fuzzy, but Mina most certainly crossed it in her meltdown with Damo.

BTW, the NPA is against permbans. Please join us. :thup:

Permabans are fine with me. Nothing could prevent someone from coming back in another sock from another source and device anyway. All it does is says it's going to take extra steps and that old handle can't be used again. If the individual wants to change their behavior the new sock can stay. If they break the rules again, the new sock gets permabanned.

All it's doing is saying OK these few things will not be tolerated.

My view is any argument is hurt, not helped, by going personal. But if it were not for the personal content, the traffic on this site would be 5-10% of what it is now. It's all the personal interaction that keeps the traffic up.

If one wishes to limit participation to just the political discussions it must be accepted that one will have to sift through a lot of interpersonal content. That's the deal. It gets easier when the participants who become obsessed with personal grudges to the point where they want to break the few rules are prevented from continuing.