Mind boggling at Trump supporters.

it only defies explanation in your mind, and those of like mind. you believe it defies explanation because who could possibly vote against the most qualified candidate to EVER run for US President. Since she lost by so much, maybe you should re-examine your beliefs.

Liberals are too stupid and arrogant to re-examine their beliefs. After losing in the last three elections, they arrogantly declare those who didn't vote for them are too stupid to understand how great the Party of the Jackass is.

Yes, liberals really are THAT dense and ignorant.
it only defies explanation in your mind, and those of like mind. you believe it defies explanation because who could possibly vote against the most qualified candidate to EVER run for US President. Since she lost by so much, maybe you should re-examine your beliefs.

I wish Obama hadn't gone and said that, because people keep throwing it around, either believing it, or to be sarcastic. John Quincy Adams will likely forever remain the most qualified candidate ever to seek the presidency. Crooked Hillary was, at best, only second.
Someone please explain to me how rational, intelligent women can support a man with a history of misogynistic actions and sayings?

How the average working person can support a person with NO history of public service and a history of antagonistic actions towards the American worker?

I just don't get it. Please explain.

You're beating your own dead horse. We won, you lost.

And you lost because you and your socialist party threw working Americans under a bus. Their voice became Donald Trump.

Now go ahead and call me some more unflattering names so I can tell you that's another reason why you lost.

Your socialist party is in a power struggle between Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders .. it's too far left and that is another reason why you lost.
You're too much of an idiot to comprehend the irony of your posts.

You poor ignorant fucktard. So fucking stupid that you have to rely upon cutesy little picture and saved signature lines to say anything at all.

Go get an enema, cunt whistle. Perhaps it will relax you.
I just don't get it. Please explain.

it's simple.

The values you thought were universal, are not. The big bad words like sexism and racist, don't mean the same things to nearly half this nation that they do to you. Nor as they are as important.

America will always want a shit talking alpha pussy grabber over a shill bitchy woman ANY day of the week and that is NEVER going to change.
How the average working person can support a person with NO history of public service and a history of antagonistic actions towards the American worker?

here is what your ultimate problem is. You are a liberal that thinks everyone thinks exactly as you do. The things you find important, others must find important. Instead of trusting the ACTUAL workers and what they want, you call them stupid, or you assume you know what's best for them. You literally deny people their agency in trying to disagree with you. Do you understand how myopic and arrogant that is?

Half the nation DOES NOT think like you, or share your values. Your values are not universal. You want to know why a stupid lowly worker wont see the genius of your vision for the world? The very question begets the answer.
it's simple.

The values you thought were universal, are not. The big bad words like sexism and racist, don't mean the same things to nearly half this nation that they do to you. Nor as they are as important.

America will always want a shit talking alpha pussy grabber over a shill bitchy woman ANY day of the week and that is NEVER going to change.
That's not true. They voted for Bush.
here is what your ultimate problem is. You are a liberal that thinks everyone thinks exactly as you do. The things you find important, others must find important. Instead of trusting the ACTUAL workers and what they want, you call them stupid, or you assume you know what's best for them. You literally deny people their agency in trying to disagree with you. Do you understand how myopic and arrogant that is?

Half the nation DOES NOT think like you, or share your values. Your values are not universal. You want to know why a stupid lowly worker wont see the genius of your vision for the world? The very question begets the answer.
Actually it's less than half the nation.

Oh please Grind. No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. That's the real answer to Things question so get off your high horse.

Besides, your supporting Trump is like Skidmark supporting Mao. It surprises no one.
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Someone please explain to me how rational, intelligent women can support a man with a history of misogynistic actions and sayings?

How the average working person can support a person with NO history of public service and a history of antagonistic actions towards the American worker?

I just don't get it. Please explain.

Good questions, but to his fans he is god, Trump is that weird phenom, the Benny Hinn of politics, the Dale Carnegie of BS, the sweet talking Romeo to the wannabes and wish they weres, the Judas to Truth. I'm perplexed but surely you've seen his fans before, the poor person who berates the poor person, the girl who loves the man who beats her, the son who admires the same man. the thief that justifies thievery cause everyone is a thief. I know people who like Trump and I cannot get in their head and find out why? The man is pretty much full of shat and that may just be his appeal. Life is full of shat for many so why not just sing along, be a part of something. Cheer, sing, dream, someone acts like you...the feelings are low and misplaced but the emotion is a high.

This may help you understand. "Strangers in Their Own Land - Anger and Mourning on the American Right" Arlie Russell Hochschild

"Only someone miraculously innocent of history could believe that competition among ideas could result in the triumph of truth" John Gray
Good questions, but to his fans he is god, Trump is that weird phenom, the Benny Hinn of politics, the Dale Carnegie of BS, the sweet talking Romeo to the wannabes and wish they weres, the Judas to Truth. I'm perplexed but surely you've seen his fans before, the poor person who berates the poor person, the girl who loves the man who beats her, the son who admires the same man. the thief that justifies thievery cause everyone is a thief. I know people who like Trump and I cannot get in their head and find out why? The man is pretty much full of shat and that may just be his appeal. Life is full of shat for many so why not just sing along, be a part of something. Cheer, sing, dream, someone acts like you...the feelings are low and misplaced but the emotion is a high.

This may help you understand. "Strangers in Their Own Land - Anger and Mourning on the American Right" Arlie Russell Hochschild

"Only someone miraculously innocent of history could believe that competition among ideas could result in the triumph of truth" John Gray

No we do think he is God. We have but one God. Trump is merely a man.

Democrats including yourself worshipped the ground Obama walked on and by extension Hillary. You overlooked all of their foibles.

You try to present yourself as above it all but you are no different. You overlook mistakes in those you support while castigating those you oppose. Spare me
Someone please explain to me how rational, intelligent women can support a man with a history of misogynistic actions and sayings?

How the average working person can support a person with NO history of public service and a history of antagonistic actions towards the American worker?

I just don't get it. Please explain.

I have friends that support Trump and most acknowledge his shortcomings but were willing to put up with them in order to make sure Hillary Clinton along with Democratic Party policies wouldn't continue. I personally think that Trump is a populist with no real principles that would have run as a democrat, the party he supported for years, if Hillary, his former friend, wouldn't have been running. Now that he is president I'll root for his success but he still hasn't swayed me into voting for him in the next election. So to answer your question his supporters supported him because the alternative was considered a worse choice regarding actual political policy.
I have friends that support Trump and most acknowledge his shortcomings but were willing to put up with them in order to make sure Hillary Clinton along with Democratic Party policies wouldn't continue. I personally think that Trump is a populist with no real principles that would have run as a democrat, the party he supported for years, if Hillary, his former friend, wouldn't have been running. So to answer your question his supporters supported him because the alternative was considered a worse choice regarding actual political policy.

I would like to thank you for correctly spelling the Democratic partys name

trump is not ours hes yours

don't blame us
Someone please explain to me how rational, intelligent women can support a man with a history of misogynistic actions and sayings?

How the average working person can support a person with NO history of public service and a history of antagonistic actions towards the American worker?

I just don't get it. Please explain.

Why? You would not listen.
I would like to thank you for correctly spelling the Democratic partys name

trump is not ours hes yours

don't blame us

I'm not blaming anybody. I was just trying to answer his question from my point of view based on the supporters that I personally know. My candidate was Evan McMullin and I am consider myself more of a constitutional conservative/libertarian than I do a GOP republican. My own conflicts with the college republicans that I'm a part of on my campus highlights the divide amongst even people on the right that have hesitations around president Trump and the direction of the party.